Scare Cam//Rose Lavelle

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You walk into todays meeting you had with the Women's national team as you guys prepared to head into a game against Dominican Republic you were extremely stressed and was nervous for todays game. You, Sonnett and Lindsey walk towards the elevator and head down to the lobby. Kelley appears with Alex around the corner. 

"HELLLOOO Y/N! How are you this FINE morning" Kelley said as if she was an announcer in a tv show. You and the rest of your friends laughed and shake your head. You reajust your sports bag on your shoulder and reply

"What are you two up too. This is a bad combination of people!" You giggled running you hands through your hair, Lindsey and Sonnett laughing texting away on their phones. 

"Oh you know just hanging out with Alex before the big game. Actually we are a perfect match because we are better together." She laughed putting an arm around Alex. 

"Ok well we have to go now or we will be late for this game!" Alex laughed. Soon you all walk out the door together and headed to the bus with your sports bag ready to go. 

"Hey Sonny where the heck is Rose because I haven't seen her all day and she normally hangs out with us?" Lindsey says looking around to see if Rose was anywhere near by. We all look around and notice that Rose was no where in sight. 

"Yeah that actually is kind of weird that she isn't here with us. I kind of miss her really crazy personality right about now." Sonnett responds walking up the stairs to the bus. As you board the bus after Sonnett, Rose jumps up from the first seat and you scream. 

"MARY ROSE LAVELLE!" You shouted. Everyone on the bus started to laugh and Abby Dahlkemper comes up with her camera.

"AHAHHA YOU GOT SCARE CAMMED!" She yelled, giving a high five to Rose. You turn to Lindsey and Sonnett with a death stare.

"Well our work here is done!" Lindsey smiled pushing past you and sitting down in her seat. You look back and smiled at Rose. 

"I will be getting you back! So watch yourself Lavelle!"  You laughed marching to your seat and sitting down. 


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