To Kill A Mocking Girl

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Title rights to Pretty Little Liars.
Brookes POV
School was over soon enough and I was walking home slowly but surely. When I arrived I saw the door was open. "Hello" I called. "Hey Honey" replied Mom. "How was school?" She asked. "Yeah Fine. How was work?" "Fine". I talked with her for a while then went upstairs and started on my mountain of homework. "BROOKE!" I heard a voice call "DINNER!!" I came downstairs and sat down. "Soo" Dad started "How was everyones day?" "Fine" replied everyone. I stared down at my plate. "Brooke are you ok?" Mom asked me. I rolled my eyes. And left. I could here my parents mumble something but I didn't care. I went upstairs and lay on my bed. I picked up my phone and looked at my calendar 29th May 2034. I stared out of my window that over looked the ocean. Well it didn't actually It was a wall simulation. I must of fallen asleep for when I awoke I was lying on the bay window in my room. I got up and changed into a White off the shoulder top. Black leggings and grey slipons. I sat my dresser looking at the girl who stared back at me. I put on my foundation, eye liner, contour, highlighter, mascara, eye shadow, blush and lip gloss. I gazed at my reflection. I grabbed my phone and bag and left before the rest of my family woke up. I didn't know why but I was just mad at them. Probably getting my period tomorrow. Great! I went to Starbucks and ordered my favourite a white chocolate mocha. I sat down at a table and took out the laptop I kept in my bag. Suddenly in through the door walked the last person on earth I ever want to see. Kiera Morgan. The schools 'IT' girl. Everyone loves her. Especially guys. She and her squad of copy cats were the schools Queen Bees. I tried to ignore her but of course she had to come and be a bossy brat. "Hey what's your name uhh oh yeah Ocean Girl" she said in her fake nice way. "Hey Kiera" I said annoyed. "So have you heard about the new kid Conner" she said staring into space as if she was in love. "Yeah I have" I said. As if by magic in walked Conner. "Hey babe" he shouted as he ran over to me. He kissed me and I saw Kiera's jealous face turn red. "What wring Kiera?" I asked "Jealous" she looked at me angrily then stormed out. "What was that about?" Conner asked me confused. "Oh just a jealous brat" I said. "Ok" he replied as I grabbed my things and we left for school. The day was a pain. But getting to see Kiera's face when me and Conner we're walking round together was priceless. At the end of the day I went home expecting to have to face the rath of my parents. Once again the door was open when I arrived home. "Hello" I called. No answer. "Hello" I called once again. But still no answer. I searched the house and found a note that read 'Hello,
You might of noticed that no ones home. So right now it should be Brooke here right? Your mother is missing. Am I correct? Well now I must confess how strange this is. Call the police and your mother dies. Well princess first it was your mother next it'll be your father then Katy then Josh.
Then last but not least you.
See you soon.

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