Ch7: Capture

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Starlight's pov

I walked into the guild Hall. Something didn't feel right though. It was quite and a sad and gloomy atmosphere surrounded the whole building. I wanted to ask someone what happened and was about to wheen I remembered one of Rogue's rules.

I backed up and just listened in to conversations. "I can't believe someone would do this. Jet and Droy did nothing wrong" Natsu snapped, slamming his hand on a table.

'Jet and Droy? No don't say that they were killed' I thought, praying it wasn't true. "Who even is this murder. This is the second murder in 2 weeks" Gray asked.

I couldn't listen to anymore and ran out the guild. I kept running till I found an alley that was dark and secluded.

I felt like throwing up. Rogue had killed someone else. He hadn't been joking or bluffing. He was serious. I felt sick to the stomach knowing that he was infatuated with me.

He was so obsessed that he was killing so that I wouldn't be with anyone else. I closed my eyes, tears stinging them as I shook in fear. 'Who would be next? Another member of the guild? Phoenix? Lily? Gajeel?' I thought, shaking.

"Hey" someone called. I froze. I turned my head slightly to see Rogue's best friend and partner, Sting Eucliffe. "Stay back. You shouldn't talk to me" I told him, backing up.

"Hey calm down. I just want to talk" he told me, walking closer. "No. You don't understand. It's noot safe around me" I told him. He stayed put for a few seconds then walked closer again.

I was about to run when he put something over my mouth. I tried to elbow him but he just moved so that I was oressedd against a wall. What was on my face smelled like chloroform as I struggled again.

"I'm sorry. It's the only way to get him to stop killing people. I don't want to do this but you make Rogue happy and I don't want him to kill to many people to the point where he is suspected of the murders and arrested" he told me.

I desperately tried to struggle but due to the lack of food and sleep I'd been having since Totumaru died, I didn't have enough energy to fight him off.

After a few minutes I surcame to the darkness and fell unconscious.


Sting's pov

When I felt her body go limp, I let go as she fell to the ground. I stared down at my hands which were shaking. 'Did I really just do that?' I thought.

It was a good thing I masked my scent before following her otherwise it would be easy for a dragon slayer to figure out who had her. Now the problem was getting her back to our apartment without being found suspicious.

I looked down both sides of the alley. The streets were jam packed with people. I would never slip by unnoticed. Plus it would be suspicious if I came out of an alleyway with an unconscious Starlight Redfox, especially with the police and the council keeping close tabs on her after Totumaru's murder.

I decided to wait until nightfall and just watched people walk by from a hidden spot in the alley. When it finally was dark, I looked out. The cost was clear.

I hoisted her up onto my back and started to walk back to her apartment as fast as possible so I wouldn't be seen.

I made it back to the apartment and placed her down on the couch before sitting down myself. Lector and Frosch were staying with Yukino tonight so there would be no questions for now.

Suddenly the door slammed open as I jumped slightly, looking at who it was. Rogue had walked in, closing the door behind him and he looked ready to kill. "What did you do to her?" he growled. "She's fine. I just brought here here for you. I thought it would help you stop killing people.

He glared at me before looking her over. "Your lucky she isn't hurt" he growled before picking her up bridle style and going into his room.

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