Prince! Nightmare x Shy! Reader

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I held my glass tightly and stared into it. 'What am I doing here...?' I knew my parents wanted my other sisters to go and win his heart, but I didn't want to be here. I was afraid of associating with strangers and I can't lie, I tear up every time they try to talk to me. I hated being here, I just wanted to go home. I could feel myself tearing up, my mom put a hand on my shoulder. "Go outside and take a breath honey and come inside in five minutes okay? This event is very important for us, okay?" I nodded and walked outside where I sat down on a bench. I pulled my knees close to my chest and dried off the tears. I could finally breathe, even though it was shaky breaths, I could breathe.

I had snuck a couple of cookies with me, but I couldn't eat, I had lost my appetite completely. A little skeleton-like dog had crawled out of one of the bushes. It looked scary and it was growling, I broke off a piece of my cookie and threw it right in front of it, hoping it would eat it and not me. The dog ate the cookie and before it reached its stomach it suddenly disappeared.

It came closer and sat down in front of me, barking happily. "M-more? You want more...?" It barked again and its tail was wagging. I smiled and gave it the rest of the cookie; it looked a little hesitant at first. "Don't worry it's not chocolate nor raisins. It's just a plain cookie." It barked happily and quickly grabbed it from my hand and devoured it. I looked at its tag. "Blaster...? Who names their dog Blaster?" I giggled for myself and the dog barked happily, it was now chasing its own tail. "You know... You kinda look like a Great Dane!" It suddenly turned its head towards a tree a little further away to my left. "What is it...?" I asked it and tried petting it, but before I could it took off, tackling someone behind the tree.

My anxiety peeked again, making my breath turn shaky. I panicked and ran inside, hearing a small "Wait!" But I didn't stop, I hurried inside and scanned the place for my family. I couldn't see them at first, so my anxiety peaked even higher. 'Did they leave without me...?' I looked everywhere; I was unable to find them. People looked at me and they looked like they were going to start talking with me, so I backed away and went outside again. It seemed like whoever was there had left. I heard applause come from inside, the two princes must've arrived in the ballroom.

I walked back over to the bench; the dog was sitting there. "You're still here...?" I patted its head; it didn't feel that nice, but it made the dog happy. "I'm sorry for leaving..." I sat next to it on the bench, it sniffed to me. "Sorry... I didn't bring out any cookies, I had a bit of a crisis." I barked again, it laid down on the bench, resting its head in my lab. I smiled a bit and began petting its skull and it closed its eyes. 'I wonder what time it is' I was pretty tired at this point. I had stressed all day and my tears had made me extremely sleepy. I felt my eyes slowly close; I was so exhausted. And before I knew it, I slowly drifted off into the land of dreams.

"Hngh..." I found myself lying in a queen-sized bed, it was comfortable. 'Wait... I don't have a queen-sized bed!' I sat up quickly, someone had put me in a night-gown. Had I been kidnapped...? My breathing quickened and I felt myself shake lightly. I heard someone open a door and then quick footsteps. "Are you alright?" Someone laid their hands onto my shoulders, supposedly comforting me, but it only made me panic more.

"P-please don't h-hurt me..." I whimpered, I had no idea who this strange man was, all I knew was that I was in an unknown location, in a bedroom and I was scared. "I-I won't hurt you, Blaster came to get me and showed you asleep on the bench, I didn't want you to catch a cold!" I looked up slowly, only to find the prince Nightmare. "Y-you're—" Panicked I looked down, only to bump heads with him. 'I'm such an idiot...' Not only had I embarrassed myself, but I had hurt a prince. "I-I'm sorry..." He chuckled and pat my head. "Don't worry, I should be the one apologizing, I just carried you to my room without asking you if you were okay with it." I looked at him with teary eyes. I fiddled with my fingers, hesitating to ask him who put me into this nightgown. "U-uhm..." He tilted his head and motioned me to go on. "W-who put me in-into this nightgown...?" A small blush crawled onto his face. "O-oh! D-don't worry, it wasn't me! It was my maid." I sighed, relieved. "What's your name?" He asked, smiling. "(Y-(Y/n) (L/n)" I answered. He pointed to the edge of his bed.

"Your dress is right here; the party is still going." I nodded and reached for my dress. "C-can you t-turn around...?" His face was covered in a blue blush and he nodded, turning around. I slowly took off the nightgown and put on my dress. "Y-you can turn a-around now..." He smiled and extended his hand with a small blush on his face, my heart skipped a beat. 'His presence makes me feel so much calmer...' I took his hand, a small blush creeping onto my face. Slowly we made our way into the ballroom, people were staring at us, making my anxiety come back. But it went away as soon as Nightmare squeezed my hand, making me focus on him. "Don't worry, I'm right here, okay?" I nodded with a blush on my face.

I looked back at the crowd, there stood my family with shocked faces. Before I knew it, Nightmares brother and father stood in front of us. Out of habit I grabbed onto his arm and kinda hid behind him. "I never knew Nightmare; this is quite the surprise!" His father boasted with happiness. "Who is she nightmare?" Asked his brother, also boasting with happiness and might I say... Pride? Nightmare pulled me into a side-hug and smiled down at me. "(Y/n) (L/n)." A small blush crawled onto my cheeks.

"Is she—?" Nightmare nodded. "She's the one father."

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