Chapter 12

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well here's all of it


"Nice bracelet."

Chaeyoung didn't even bother to look up from her study notes as Jennie sat down at her table in the library.

"So?" Jennie said expectantly but Chaeyoung still didn't look up. "What happened last night?"

"What, besides you ditching me to go fuck Jisoo? Nothing." Chaeyoung had a smirk to let her know that she didn't care about being ditched.

"Hey, I was doing you a favor. But really, what happened?"

"Well, she gave me this," she said holding up her wrist with the bracelet. "As a thank you for helping her, I kissed her, and the concert started."

Jennie gasped excitedly which caused the librarian to shush them so she leaned in to whisper. "You kissed her?"

"Yes, Jennie," Chaeyoung said rolling her eyes. "I kissed her." She went back to studying but she knew that wouldn't appease her friend.

"And then what?" She poked her repeatedly contemplating on whether or not to beat the information out of her.

"Ow!" Chaeyoung pulled back her arm and examined it. "Calm, down. Then she took me home."

Jennie visibly deflated and gave her a hard look. "That's it? She took you home?"

It was very hard to conceal the smile on her face but Chaeyoung focused all of her energy in trying to study. "Yup, that's it."

"Isn't it kind of hot out to be wearing that?" Jennie asked as she pointed to the very obvious scarf around Chaeyoung's neck. She sat back in her seat and crossed her arms across her chest and waited for Chaeyoung's lame response.

"What? No, I'm perfectly fine." She tugged the fabric closer to her.

"Uh huh." And without warning, Jennie reached over and pulled the entire thing off. "Ha! I knew it!" she exclaimed triumphantly which earned her another hush and death glare. Jennie didn't care as she pointed to all the red hickeys that adorned Chaeyoung's neck.

"Jennie!" she pulled back the scarf and wrapped it around her once more.

"Explain, Park." Even though there was no need to. A two-year old could have figured it out.

"Okay, okay, we took a detour to the park," Chaeyoung finally said while she adjusted the scarf. "Happy?"

"No, give me details, woman." Jennie's excited face was starting to annoy her.

"I'm not giving you details! Do I ask for details from you and Jisoo?"

"No, but I give them to you anyways."

"Yeah, I wish you didn't," Chaeyoung muttered.

"Fine, Cliff notes' version?" she asked hopefully.

Relenting, Chaeyoung let out a sigh. "Fine. We went to the park, talked, cuddled, and kissed. Period end."

Jennie scoffed. "Please, if it was any other girl, I might have believed you. But this is Lalisa Manoban we're talking about."

At this, Chaeyoung got a little angry. "What the hell is that suppose to mean?"

"Um, that it's Lisa. She's not known for cuddling and kissing."

"For your information," Chaeyoung started angrily. "Lisa behaved very respectfully. She was, for a lack of better words, a perfect gentlemen."

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