1| i didn't mean to stare, but my mind was everywhere i wanna know you

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A/N: hi guys, @madsdobby here to inform you that this is a complete au obviously but to touch on a few things cheryl's family isn't awful like on the show. i made them lovely as parents should be. also i'm not a doctor so don't @ me if i'm not 100% accurate on medical things lmao, i still do research though so i don't sound completely dumb.

southside serpents don't exist, toni HAS a backstory and actual family present in this, cheryl is not hbic; nor a vixen, there's no black hood/gargoyle king/ the farm or any true riverdale plot in here. i completely made up my own story with the riverdale characters and it's town that's soft, cute, and wholesome so i hope you guys will enjoy!!

don't forget to comment and vote!! :)

love you all! 💞

"Really? Again?" Betty groans in annoyance.

"But it's such a good movie Betty," Cheryl defends with a heavy pout resting on her lips to persuade her best friend to go see her all time favorite movie.

"Yeah it is a great movie, but we've been watching that for the past two weeks," Betty says looking at the large film photos hung on the outside wall of the cinema, "I think it's safe to say that I get to choose now."

Cheryl continues to pout but it drops in surprise at Betty's unchanging stance. The blonde has always let the redhead attain whatever she wanted growing up as children even into their early teen years. So this is definitely a first.

"Let's flip on it, that's only fair, right?" Cheryl gives a nod of the head at Betty's offer, watching her rummage into her small purse. Once the quarter is flicked into the air the blonde calls out heads. Betty snatches the quarter out of the air then flips it back down onto the back of her hand.

George Washington stares back at them.

"Ugh okay okay. You w-win Cooper," the redheads arms slump down in defeat.

"I'm thinking Prey at Night," Betty says in an excited tone with a little happy jump and a giant smile on her face.

Cheryl pushes up her thick black, rather large oval rounded glasses onto the bridge of her nose as she searches for the movie title on the long wall full of movie posters.

She gasps immediately when she sees the three people in masks with weapons in their hands. The blonde to the left donning a creepy doll face mask and graced in her hands, a gleaming knife. Beside her but also behind her is what Cheryl assumes is a man in a burlap mask gripping an ax. The look in his eyes runs a shiver down her spine. The last person in the photo resembles the first woman, but she's sporting an even more chilling doll mask. At the top of the film poster reads 'Let Us Pray' and the redhead is not having it because it's a recreation of the horror film the Strangers. It's a movie that she watched with Betty when they were twelve. Betty has always been into the murder mysteries and the eerie dark movies. One night she somehow convinced Cheryl to watch it with her during a sleepover. The redhead spent that night staring at the ceiling gripping onto her blankets.

"Oooh no w-way I'm w-watching that, no w-way," Cheryl shakes her head at Betty ignoring the way her ponytail runs along her shoulder blades.

"Cher, Bailee Madison is in it. You love her!" Betty tries to persuade the nervous wreck of a redhead in front of her.

"Yeah on W-wizards of W-waverly Place! You know I can't sleep for days after w-watching horror movies," Cheryl sticks out her bottom lip in another pouting attempt.

"Hey you, I'm not falling for that tonight," Betty rolls her eyes with a smirk on her lips.

"W-well then you're playing checkers with Nana Rose tomorrow after school," the redhead pouts.

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