12| all i wanna be, all i ever wanna be is somebody to you

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hey guys, hope you all are doing well and staying healthy in this quarantine!! stay active and productive unlike me lol

also just for future references please leave a vote before you start reading so you don't forget and updates can roll in quicker.

comments and votes encourage me to keep writing.

i've decided to post earlier in honor of someone making accounts and voting. lmao you're the best!!

oh and i'm OBSESSED with my new cover... made by @laurensmcu so you guys know where to get your book covers!!

this chapter also is dedicated to @lol2k19, looooove the delena icon!!


Cheryl warily makes her way up the steps of Riverdale High with her heart stuck bobbing in her throat, self-consciously holding herself, remaining a bit too close to her best friend. It was the first day back after Thanksgiving break; a week and a half after her bullies had pulled that cruel prank resulting in their own suspension along with the harvest dance abruptly coming to an end shortly after.

Are her peers angry with her? Do they blame her? Are they going to make fun of her when she walks through these doors?

"Cheryl," Betty draws the redhead's attention, "if anyone gives you trouble they'll have me to deal with and also all of your other friends. There's no doubt in my mind that Moose already has his fists set to pummel anyone who steps out of line," she assures her, bumping her shoulder with a small grin.

That part makes the redhead smile. Her friends.

She never thought that she'd have people other than Betty that she could earnestly call a confidant who would listen to meaningless rants or accept her for who she is. Or even a companion that defends her and rushes to her rescue in time of need.

Betty, Moose, Jughead, and surprisingly even Kevin had all spent time with her over the break. Taking her out to Pop's, the Twilight Drive-In for her very first time along with several other movie theater days, and playing random board games together on the carpets of Thistlehouse.

She unfortunately didn't see Toni as much as she saw everyone else. The pink haired girl spent most of her time with her family during the break considering Jax and his sons had come down to visit.

The only days she was in Toni's presence was their group movie hangout where there was weird energy surrounding the two, Thanksgiving day where feelings were brought to light, and of course their date two days ago which ended disastrously. However, the teens did text nonstop during the variation of their break... well until their first date, the messaging kinda fizzled out after that. The blame mostly is on Cheryl who is currently still ignoring the girl's frequent text messages and phone calls.

She knows she's acting immature. The right thing to do is to have a proper conversation with Toni about that evening but after completely embarrassing herself like that she can't bring herself to. Their date was awful, no comparison to the flawlessly cute ones portrayed in movies. The night didn't click like it should have.

She's honestly not even sure why the girl is still interested in talking to her, wasn't Toni embarrassed by her actions?

"Do you think Toni is going to try to talk to me?" Cheryl asks anxiously, biting her lip as they enter the school building. There happens to be a few eyes on her, but they just glance at her before continuing on with their business. So the redhead can finally relax seemingly no one is out for her blood.

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