7| do it with a heart wide open, say what you need to say

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A/N: this chapter is dedicated to the wonderful @bellap03 for being the absolute sweetest by commenting all through the chapters so i know how she's responding to my fic, making me laugh by live commenting her reactions, also by doing that she's helping me stay motivated to push out more content so i don't sit on my ass uninspired. anyways leave comments and votes, if you want to have a chapter dedicated to you all you have to do is blow up my notifications basically. love you all and never stop reading or shipping choni!! :)


Saturday morning finally swings around. The Saturday of the Riverdale High's Harvest Dance. That day was pretty eventful for the three teens waking up in Thistlehouse. Some could say a little chaotic as well. But let's start at the beginning, shall we?

Cheryl had been the first to rise that morning a content smile tugging at the corners of her lips. She's quite positive that last night was the best night of slumber she's ever experienced in her life. No night terrors or silly dreams, just warm peaceful oblivion. The redhead hummed to herself as her eyes fluttered open. The hot breath that runs across her neck surprises her making her body stiffen. Her eyes are the only part of her body moving around the room, she can't see a thing without her glasses so she reaches over to the nightstand with her left hand. She struggles for some reason, but she's finally able to slide them onto her face. Her vision corrects itself immediately. When she sees her friends' bags in the corner of the room by the door several flashes of her sleepover emerge in her head.

A moan sounds against her neck startling the redhead's body awake. The weight on top of her is somewhat alarming, but as she looks down her body at the poofy red comforter she spots pink hair peeking out underneath. Asleep on top of her is none other than Toni Topaz which relaxes her a bit.

Cheryl comes to find that her arms are wrapped around the pink haired girl's upper back. She can't refrain herself as she draws patterns with her fingers along the back of the soft cotton of the girl's black tank top. Her fingers freeze as Toni's hold on her tightens at the same time pushing her deeper into the bed. The pink haired girl also happens to moan something in her sleep making the redhead bite her lip to suppress a squeal, afraid of waking the slumbering girl. It's then that she realizes that Toni's head is laying on her chest, right on top of her heart.

Her head and eyes shoot up towards the ceiling as she lets out a few steady breaths to try to slow her heartbeat that she's sure the pink haired girl can feel. Suddenly someone's alarm on their phone starts blaring causing the two other girls asleep to stir slightly. Cheryl just remains still as stone unsure what to do with Toni clinging to her.

Turns out that the alarm is coming from Betty's phone. She groans wiping at her eyes as she sits up. "It's nine o'clock," the messy haired blonde yawns. Hearing her yawn makes Cheryl yawn. "Where's T?"

The redhead can't stop the little chuckle as she pulls back the red comforter to reveal the pinkette nuzzling her head against her chest like a kitten. Cheryl turns her head to gauge her cousin's reaction grinning while Betty wipes at her eyes as if she's somehow imagining this. The blonde girl gives her best friend a knowing smirk before loudly saying, "never would I have thought that Toni Topaz could be a cuddler."

"I'm certainly not," the pink haired girl grumbles half asleep. Cheryl then starts to feel something cold run up the side of her ribs. She thinks that maybe Toni's body is waking up feeling around her surroundings out just like she did. The redhead just wishes that her shirt hadn't ridden up in her sleep or that the girl's hand wasn't so close to the scars spread out on her stomach. As Toni's fingers trail up and down her ribs she starts to get anxious. What if she moves her hands to the right and stumble upon a scar? What if Toni gets turned off by it? What if she freaks out?

every little part of me | choni auOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora