5| i know your insides are feeling hollow and its a hard pill for you to swallow

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A/N: just prepare your tissues

that is all 🥺


Cheryl cautiously smooths out her multicolored dress in the mirror as she bites her lip. The redhead looked herself over. She had discarded her bra for this strapless colored dress. Her eyes trailing from her exposed upper chest surprised that this dress is clinging to her breasts without any gapping in the fabric.

She only tried this one on because of the way Toni reacted when they passed it in the dress boutique. "Oh my god," the pink haired girl stopped in her tracks eyeing every inch of the dress, "Cheryl this would look stunning on you."

The redhead took a quick glance at it shaking her head. This dress on the mannequin was beyond what the girl was comfortable with showing. She's unsure that she would be able to support the dress properly. Her body isn't shaped liked the mannequin. The life-sized dummy was made for extravagant layers of fabric to be displayed across its body. Cheryl on the other hand not so much.

"I don't know Toni," Cheryl sighs pushing her glasses up biting her lip. The girls have been in the store for possibly two hours searching for their harvest dance dresses. The redhead had convinced herself that she wouldn't try any dresses on in her friends presence. She didn't want to make a scene. She could come back by herself anytime she wanted. Although the two girls weren't making it easy for her as they pointed out dozens of different dresses that they said would look good on her. Now that the two girls had picked out their dresses that they had fallen in love with they didn't want Cheryl to leave empty handed.

"It's a beautiful dress Cher," Betty reasons with a hopeful look. Toni shakes her head intently with her hands under her chin. She looks absolutely adorable so when she drops out a pout Cheryl gives in.

"Okay fine. I'll try it on, but that doesn't mean I'm buying it," the redhead groans. She didn't want to disappoint Toni.

Well now here she is inside the changing room stall, where she's been staring at herself in the mirror for about five minutes.

Betty has asked her if she needs help a few times. Cheryl knows that her friends are outside waiting for her, but she just can't bring herself to unlock the door and get out.

She looks over herself one more time yanking off her headband that doesn't match the dress on the pile of her folded clothes she'd taken off. The redhead runs a hand over her ponytail before unlocking the door.

"Don't make fun of me," she says loud enough for the two outside to hear. She pushes past the door with a thumping heart paired with clammy hands.

"Oh my god, Cheryl!" Betty gasps standing from her seated position.

Her eyes dart to the pink haired girl whose mouth was hanging open with unreadable eyes. The redhead immediately assumes the worst. She comes to the conclusion that Toni doesn't think she looks decent enough so she turns back around grabbing the changing stall door. Betty's a little too late to catch it, the door slamming in her face.

Once the pink haired girl hears the door lock into place she strides over to the girl outside the changing room door. "Cheryl," her best friend says softly concern dripping from her voice.

The overwhelmed redhead rests her back against the door gasping for air. A phone goes off from outside, Cheryl hears footsteps dissipate from the thin door behind her. It's grows quiet on the other side. Cheryl is willing herself not to start crying, however a shaky breath accidentally escapes.

The sound causing the other person left on the other side of the door to speak up, "Cheryl," that familiar honey filled voice says incredibly softly creating goosebumps upon the redhead's skin.

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