11| you got me trippin', stumblin', flippin', fumblin'

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A/N: i wonder if any of you will catch on to what this chapter could be about considering the title is a tell tale, leave your predictions here i would love to hear them all! 😂

aaaaand do you guys like the new book cover??

also quick question would y'all be upset with me if i said i'm not uploading another chapter until every chapter i currently have posted has reached 100 votes??? 🤔 that's like 7 chapters but most of them are extremely close so it's easily attainable also considering that each chapter has over 1k reads.

This chapter is dedicated to @Ani786x , i haven't seen you commenting much recently, are you still reading?? let me know 😊

enjoy all :)


Cheryl stares out of the window, embarrassedly sucking on the corner of her thumb that she somehow effectively managed to prick on a thorn off of the small bouquet of roses Toni had brought to her doorstep an awkward car ride ago. The beginning of their first date has started off a bit rough, but the redhead will stop at nothing to make sure this night is perfect.

On arrival, outside the restaurant the pink haired girl has insisted that the redhead wait inside the truck while she swings around to chivalrously open the door for her. The redhead goes numb at the thought of that. She has never conjured up in a million years that she'd be here, in this position. Receiving red roses, going on a date with one of the most incredible people she's ever had a chance to meet, or even someone wanting to hold a door open for her.

Cheryl watches, unknowingly holding her breath as the smaller girl twists the keys, turning the car completely off. The mumble of the radio is lost upon their ears along with the roar of the heater, but the jingle of the keys remains alive.

Toni hops out of her father's truck, pulling her dress down after slamming the door behind her, the sound making the redhead jump in her seat. Cheryl had woken up upset that morning upon discovering that her ears have become extremely sensitive because of her recent lack of sleep. So far, all day she has resulted in squinting her eyes every time loud noises echo in her ears.

Although, she tries her absolute best not to focus on discrepancies of any kind. She's finally on a date with Toni and she won't let anything ruin this moment. So she decides to use this short time drinking in the pink haired girl's appearance as she strolls across the front of the vehicle towards her.

Cheryl is positive that this is the most concealed Toni has ever been since they met, with her chest hidden behind the fabric of her dress that's almost touching the top of her knees, a black long sleeve shirt beneath said dress, and lastly her usual fishnets are switched out for a pair of black tights. However, this style is still very much Toni Topaz; black, plaid, and her unmistakable signature combat boots.

As soon as the door swings open Cheryl makes a move to step out of the truck, but her body is suddenly restricted sending her back against the seat.

"Cher, your seatbelt is still on," Toni melodically giggles immediately leaning into the car to help unbuckle the safety strap around her date.

The redhead ignores the way the lovely scent of lavender creeps up her nostrils, face flushing pink as she's hit with another wave of embarrassment. "Thank you," she breathes out failing to look the girl in the eyes, opting for focusing on carefully stepping out of the truck to avoid tripping.

"Take my hand," the pink haired girl offers holding out her hand waiting patiently for the redhead to accept. Cheryl slips her hand in Toni's, biting her lip as tingles shoot up her arms and presses uncomfortably into her shoulder blades. When her feet hit the floor the redhead rolls her shoulders back trying to ease the tension. She knew that she was unbelievably nervous, but she didn't think her body would lock up on her like this. "Cheryl, are you alright?" Toni asks sliding her fingers in between the taller girl's as she gazes up into her eyes, concern written all over her face.

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