4| i'm too weak to fly, but now my heart's wide open, and you're the reason why

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A/N: more of cheryl's insecurity's come to light and toni is a sweetheart throughout this chapter so enjoy!!

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love you all!! 💞


Cheryl nervously bites her lip as she looks herself over in her full body mirror. The redhead has drastically chosen to wear her hair down today. The feeling she got in her stomach at the way Toni looked at her after she took her hair down has been on her mind since yesterday when it happened. She couldn't fall asleep last night at the jittery feeling swimming in her stomach. So she wore braids to sleep letting her waves hang past her shoulders.

She's never worn her hair down at school since the accident. She doesn't know if her stitches scar is visible behind her head. She doesn't know if you could tell that there's a small portion of her hair missing where the stitches used to lay. She so freely took her red tresses down in the presence of Toni only because she was hidden in the dark, but she can't hide from the lights of Riverdale High or the rays shining in through the windows.

Cheryl stares at her reflection for way too long. The image staring back at her begins to transform into her worst nightmare. Her lip scar is menacingly glaring at her making her lip sag. She watches as her image in the mirror rapidly transfigure into a rotten corpse, stitches coming together to resemble Frankenstein. She sucks in a breath no longer able to examine herself. Cheryl Blossom is no more than a mangled little girl. The minuscule bit of confidence Toni had instilled in her has all disappeared within a glance at a mirror. 

The redhead goes to quickly toss her hair up into a pony, but her phone buzzes signaling that Betty's outside already. Betty has actually been running late lately so Cheryl can't waste time trying to fix herself or they'll be late for school. Cheryl was never late. Cheryl heads out of her room without a second glance in the revealing mirror. "I'm on my way to school Nana Rose!" She raises her voice as she passes her grandmother's bedroom then zooms down the stairs shutting the front door behind her, twisting a key in the lock, and hopping into her stunned best friend's car.

Betty gawks at her eyebrows raised and a half open mouth, "who are you and what have you done with my best friend?" Cheryl groans pulling the pink scrunchie off her wrist. She goes to tangle it into her hair, but is stopped by Betty's hands.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm obviously putting my hair up," the redhead avoids her best friend's eyes using a hand to pull down the visor mirror.

"Don't do that, you look good," Betty says sincerity laced in her voice causing the redhead to still her motions momentarily dropping the hair tie in her lap.

"Can you see the spot where my stitches were?" Cheryl asks turning to face the window to her right so the back of her head is facing Betty. It takes her a little too long to respond for Cheryl's self conscious soul. She snaps her head back around beginning to grab the ends of her hair. Betty takes the scrunchie from her best friends lap and puts it on her own wrist.

"Betts, come on," Cheryl whines dropping her arms to her sides.

"I promise your hair looks fine," Betty reassures her softly.

"Then w-why'd it take you so long to respond?" Cheryl pouts eyeing the green bushes that line her house through the windshield.

"Because I couldn't even find the area, you can't even tell," Betty says holding up a pinky. A pinky in their relationship is used as an honesty promise. Has been since they were old enough to walk. So Cheryl knows that she's telling the truth. "It's been so many years since then, your hair has grown around the stitches scar really well. Your hair is super thick. You could probably hide anything in it," Betty starts the car. "So is this new look to invoke a certain small pink haired girl?" Betty smiles ear to ear. She's so excited for her best friend. She hasn't had a crush on anyone since what happened with Josie and even then that was forever ago.

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