Chapter 5

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All the losers and I rode up to Ben's house, when we got there all the boy's, except Stan, and Bev dumped their bikes and ran into the house.
Stan had a habit of always putting up his bike stand, so I waited for him.
"Thanks for waiting Y/n"
"Its fine"
Then I grabbed his hand, making us both blush, and ran into the house where everyone else was. Richie saw us come in after everyone and smirked at me, I just rolled my eyes at him.
"Woah, woah, woah, wow" Richie commented.
"Cool huh?" Ben said.
"No, no nothing cool, theres nothing cool... oh this is cool, uh no, no its not"
"What's that" Stan asked pointing at something with one hand while his other hand still held mine.
"Uh that? That's the charter for Derry town ship"
"Nerd alert"
"No actually it's really interesting, Derry started as a beaver trapping camp"
"Still is am, I right boys?"
I shake my head at him and he puts down the hand he had up.
"91 people signed the charter that made Derry but later that winter they all disappeared without a trace"
"The entire camp?" I ask
"There were rumors of Indians but no sign of an attack, everyone just thought it was the plague or something but it's like one day everyone just woke up and left, the only clue was a trail of bloody clothes leading to the well house"
"Jesus we could get Derry on unsolved mysteries"
I looked closer at one of the pictures and noticed something creepy, there was a clown standing with all the people. I squeezed Stan's hand before letting go and walking over to my brother.
"You ok Bill?"
"Yeah I'm f-fine j-just thinking about s-s-something"
He turned to Ben,
"W-w-where was the well house?"
"I don't know somewhere in town I guess. Why?"
"Nothing" he Whispered, then looked over at the missing kid posters and I knew what he was thinking. I wrapped my arms around his waist and put my head in his chest and he put his arms around my shoulders putting his head on mine.
"We're g-getting closer to f-f-finding him I know i-it"

He kissed the top of my head and hugged me tighter before pulling me outside to our bikes so we could go home.

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