Something New

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Lisa POV

So school started again, great. The holidays were really boring, the only good thing about the holidays was i was able to catch up on some sleep. But the most exciting thing that happened was that TAEHYUNG OPPA & JENNIE UNNIE GOT TOGETHER AS IN ARE DATING!!!!!!! Apart from that the holidays sucked, my dad cancelled last minute on the family trip so me and mum only went, you do not want to know what happened, it was a nightmare! I came into school but this time met with all the girls,not just Jennie unnie and we cried together talking about how we missed each other but then i realised i left my school bag at home, LIKE WHO DOES THAT! oh yeah me that's who, Lisa Pabo! So i run back and get my bag and run back to school making myself a little late and guess who was at the gate this time,it was Jeon Jungkook, no surprising. "Hey Kookie, what are you going to comment about this time?" i question. He just smiles and waves goodbye while walking away and says, "See you in class princess." Why did he just smile, did i choose the wrong outfit? Wait did he call me princess, what happened to dance princess! Oh that reminds me i have to change what i saved him as in my phone! From Jerk to Kookie, it's cute right. I change it while walking to class when i bump into someone and fall. "Oww!" I shout. "Oh sorry Lisa, i was texting my mum, i didn't see you." Jimin said while helping me up. "It's my fault i wasn't looking where i was going!" I look into Jimin's eyes and i flash red instantly, I can't believe i nearly kissed JIMIN OPPA TWICE! I can feel the memories rush in and i was so embarrased that i became light headed and fell to the ground, the last thing i remember hearing was, "Lisaaaa!!!"

Jimin POV

Lisa just fainted, i quickly took her to the school nurse, i was in such a panic i couldn't even explain what happened! They thought i went mental so took me to a seperate room and of course i became angry because i just wanted to stay by Lisa's side but the school nurse didn't let me, i'm starting to really hate nurses these days. When they finally let me out i went straight to Lisa and she seemed to be doing fine, why did i overract, i guess i was just afraid of losing her. I hug her and say, "I'm so glad you're okay!" she says nothing and hugs me back. We go to class and Miss Katara asks me, "Jimin and Lisa why are you so late!" Lisa gives her a note from the nurse and Miss Katara replys, "Oh wow, Lisa do you want to sit near by the window?" Lisa replies in her sweet voice, "Yes miss, thank you!" so she goes to sit next to Jin, Jungkook and Hoseok hyung.

Lisa POV
I'm sitting by the window when I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around to see Kookie giving me a note. I take the note and read it, 'Are you okay?' I sigh, why is everybody so worried about me,jeez I'm not dead! I write back, 'I'm fine really no need to worry:)' I watch him read it and then smile at me doubtfully.

When the school day finally ended I went up to Jimin oppa and asked if he wanted to hang out, I was so bored honstly. "Hey Jimin oppa you wanna hang out today?" I ask all cutely. He smile for a second but then it slowly disappears, "I wish but I can't, I'm sorry I have to take my brother to the movies, I kinda lost a bet..." he answers embarrassed. "You have a brother! I didn't know!" I say in utter shock. "Yeah he's my younger bro he can be a real pain though!"
"Hey why don't I just come with you guys, it'll be fun!"
"I don't know my brother is really annoying like seriously!"
"I don't mind I've never had siblings so it won't be that bad"
"If you say so..."
I'm so glad to not be going home like my mum's like really annoying!!!! We walk out through the school gates when I see a poster on the wall that caught my eye. "Jimin oppa look at this!" The poster said:
'The School is holding auditions for the school play, Romeo and Juliet!!!
If you want to audition please see Mr. Lee(head of Drama department) at lunch in the drama hall! SEE YOU THERE!!!!'
"You should go, you seem really good at acting!" Jimin says
"And how do you know?" I say giving him the look
"I mean you've got the sass, the visual, the confidence, should I say more!" He says grinning. "It will be fun to try and audition!"
"I'll do it if you do it!" I shout in his face. "Wait what noooo way!" Now I'm smirking at him, "Oh come on you got the visuals, the looks, the cuteness..should I continue?"
"I'm really loving these complements continue please!!"
"Oh please oppa I can't do it without you please!" I look at him with puppy eyes.
"Fine but you have to too!" I sqeeze him so hard I'm pretty sure he's suffocating, "Okay okay let's go to the movies!!!...with my brother" he says rolling his eyes.
Jimin POV
So we go get my brother and the first things that come out of his small mouth is, "OMG Hyung you got a girlfriend!!! Congrats!" I wish... Lisa immediately blushes, which by the way is so cute like always! I quickly say, "No Taehyunnie she's just a friend!" He makes a sad face and says, "Oh....Hyung your so lonely you can't get a decent girlfriend!" I fire back, "Yeah and I don't see you with one!"
Taehyun replies "Do you know who I am im so handsome girls pratctically fall for me, literally I have to end up helping them!"
"Sure they do Taehyun." I say rolling my eyes. That's when I remember Lisa was just standing there and i turn red, "Lisa this is my brother---" But Taehyun cuts in as usual, "I'm Park Taehyun and I'm actually a singer,dancer and visual of this pop group that me and my friends made were called Tommorow X Together and no you can't call us TXT you have to say the full thing!" Taehyun says all smiley. I slap my head and mouth to Lisa 'sorry'. Lisa replies, "Nice to meet you Taehyun I'm Lisa and I also have a pop group too were called BlackPink I'm also one of your brothers friends!" Lisa says cheery. Taehyun looks at me then back to Lisa and says,"You're very pretty you should date my brother he's really lonely!" Then he does this sad face 'immitating me' i can see Lisa blushing and say, "Can we just go to the movies?" Taehyun answers, "Yess please!" Lisa replies, " I thought you'd never asked!" We start walking to the cinema when I heard Taehyun ask Lisa, "You wanna know the bet Jimin Hyung lost to, it's really funny!" I see Lisa nod her head and I mutter, "Oh great."



AND ENJOY!!!!!!!!!

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