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3rd Person

(In the playground, Jimin in rehearsals)

RM asked, "So who's going with who? and how?" Jin immediately replies, "Jisoo, and i just won her over by my beautiful smile and visuals, i mean how can you resist!" Everyone rolls their eyes and Taehyung shouts, "I'm going with my girlfriend, Jennie Kim!!!" he turns around and winks and Jennie from the other side of the playground.Everyone looks at Jungkook and he says, "My date is a secret but i need you guys to help me out with asking her, i have a plan!"

"Our kookie has a plan, i wanna hear!" Suga says enthusiastically. Jungkook explains his plan and what everyone needs to do.

Lisa POV

Me, Jennie, Rose and Jisoo unnie sit at our usual table for lunch when i suddenly hear music play. I couldn't believe it! JEON JUNGKOOK IS SINGING IN THE CAFETERIA LIKE IS THAT NORMAL!!!!!!!!!! He's singing his hit solo euphoria but is coming towards me.... Suddenly a flash mob takes place everyone is dancing and doing all kind of cool stuff around me it's so cool! There was flips and such hard core choreo, i was shock! The girls too were completely surprised with what was taken place! As the music fades away Jungkook gets on his knees in front of me, pulling a rose out and says, "Will you go to prom with me?" All the students were around us with cameras, the girls froze, i stood their with my mouth covered looking at kookie's golden smile. But suddenly my smile turned upside down and so does the girls, i take my gaze away from Jungkook and stutter, "i--i--can't---i'm sorry Kookie but i already promised to go---- with Ji--min--oppa---i'm sorry..." I couldn't look him in the eye not after this big gesture he just gave me, my hearts shattered into pieces as i saw Jungkook slowly leave the hall and everyone just stood still as if someone died. I couldn't stay their anymore and ran to the school nurse and faked being sick, no one stopped me they couldn't, i'm too fast. I rush back home and go to my room, lock the door and cry, cry till my hearts content. After all he did for me...... I kept getting flashbacks and cried harder! My mum tried coming in but i blocked her out, my pain was to hurtful to be comforted.

Jungkook POV

When Lisa told me that she was going with Jimin hyung my heart broke after all that effort, she's going with JIMIN!!! I missed my chance........ like Rose said. I go into the drama hall with tears falling and grab Jimin, "Jungkook why you cryi---" But Jungkook cut him off, "HOW COULD YOU HYUNG! WHY WOULD YOU TAKE THE LOVE OF MY LIFE! WHY DID YOU COME HERE IN THE FIRST PLACE, YOU SHOULD JUST LEAVE!!!!!!!!!!" and with that i stormed out of the room, tears streaming down my face and well escape school with a heart ache.

Jimin POV

I'm so lost!!! 

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