Chapter 4

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Nala paced back in forth in front of me.
"Rewind. So the man I left with is in a gang?"

I nodded my head for the third time.
My back was pressed up against a hospital cot and I gave her a look that instantly shut her up.
She was missing the point...

"We need to get out of here. We go back to the motel, get our things, board the plane and never set foot in Japan again."

If I got out of this, I would never set foot in Asia again (period).

Nala nodded her head and we caught a cab back to our room. The goosebumps that covered my skin were a clear indication that my nerves were shot. I didn't even trust the cab driver..

Thankfully, I endured the twenty minute ride and all but dragged Nala behind me when the vehicle came to a stop.

My mouth hung open when the elevator doors to our floor slid open and people were rummaging around in clothes littered across the hallway. A woman held up a dress against her small frame and Nala charged.

"I know you don't have your hands on my chiffon dress! Hey!"

The woman looked up from her scavenging and scurried into the open door across the hall, effectively shutting the door in Nala's face.

I stepped around the clothes and a bad feeling came over me. The room looked even worse on the inside.. furniture looked to be slit at the seams, glass shards glittered along the floor.

I found my duffle bag in the trash and I fell to my knees.

Nothing was left inside of it. Not only were my passport and identification cards gone but even my old receipts, my underwear and my birth control.

"This is seriously messed up.." I murmured to myself lowly.

Our room was the only one that was ransacked..
This was personal.
Who else could have known about our room?

Nala came back into the room cursing and I turned to her slowly. All at once, I remembered the satisfied look she was wearing when she came to see me.. those familiar marks on her neck..

Love bites.

"Tell me the truth.." I started.
"Did you come straight here last night?"

She wore a confused look on her face but then her features were masked with an expression I knew all too well. It was the same expression she had when she ditched me at prom.


"You.. you brought that guy here last night didn't you???"

Her mouth opened and closed.

My mouth fell open and I scrambled to my feet quickly.

Nala held her hands up in defense.
"Yes, but I didn't think-"
She started but I had already gotten to my feet and was right in her face.

"We agreed to not bring anyone here!!We AGREED! You're not the only person on this trip and this isn't just YOUR room!" I shouted at her.

Nala backed up and looked me from head to toe.
"Don't even start that-"

I wasn't one to blow up but I was scared. She had no idea what we were up against.
"Shut up!!! Because of you our passports are gone.. how are we getting back Nala?! Hello?! I don't hear anything!"

I waited for her to say something that would make light of the situation but she didn't say anything.
She was at a loss for words.

I screamed in frustration, searching the bag again even though I knew it was empty. I threw my tired body onto my bed and pressed my palms against my eyes.
"I knew I shouldn't have come here..."

Yakuza Boy: Or the Man with Painted Flesh (~Unedited~)Where stories live. Discover now