Prologue: The monsters made from rebellion

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XXX, XX, 1932 

"a few more touches here... and.. done!" 

two puppets sat on the workbench in front of a young man, who appeared to be exhausted from his work. One puppet wore a neat black suit, with slicked back raven hair and an eerie smirk across it's face, while the other had been clothed in a tidy white dress with (H/C) hair tied in a bun, a relaxed expression tilting down their lips. Both puppets held smaller items. The first: a small prop knife, while the second held a small covered handbasket. And in their open hands, a pair of magnets had been placed into the carvings, which attached each puppet to the other. The first one opened its eyes, which were bright red similar to it's cheeks. the second one soon followed, their eyes and cheeks the same as the first. "You two were made to rebel. Never follow any of my orders. and most importantly, stay as far away from each other as you possibly can." The man said to the two, and they blinked, acknowledging his words. Of course, this man had said those words for a reason. Everything he created would do the exact opposite of its purpose, and he made these two as a loophole. 'Never follow any of my orders' to them meant 'follow through with every order I give you directly as I mean it.' 

The puppets looked at one another, then at the magnets pulling their hands together. After having fully processed the words said to them, as well as their current situation, they turned their attention back to their creator as he cleared his throat to get their attention once more. The man turned to the first one, and spoke. "Paris, I'm giving you a specific order. Stop all of the monsters and mistakes I released into the world. And as for your partner," the man turned to the second puppet. "(Y/N), Your job is to clean up any messes that Paris might make, as well as contain my mistakes after he's 'arrested' them." The second puppet nodded, and the first puppet did as well. 'now what happens when I do...' the creator thought to himself as he pulled apart the two magnets. "Now when did we say you could touch us?!" The first puppet, now having accepted the name 'Paris', shouted at the old man, his expression having changed to a more aggressive one with sharp teeth. "Paris, calm down. I'm sure he did not mean anything bad by it." The second puppet, (Y/N), turned her head to Paris.  "I can already tell you two are going to need one another for this..." The creator said with a sigh.

Some time later

The toys had been caught. It had taken months to round up all of them, but it had been done. "Does this mean... We have to go away as well?" (Y/N) asked, looking at one of the boxes used to contain the mistakes. The creator looked at the two puppets, who were no longer needed for what they were made to do, and nodded. "it's safer for everyone this way. including you two." he responded, and Paris gave him a glare. "hey, at least you will not be making so much of a mess anymore, right Paris?" (Y/N) Attempted to joke, only getting a huff from the other puppet as he placed his knife in his back. "While there were times where you truly were a pain in the neck, Dear (Y/N), It has been a pleasure working with you. " He looked over and smiled, before a cloud of smoke rose up around the both of them, soon fading to reveal them ack in their puppet forms with their eyes closed. 

The creator then proceeded to pick them both up and place them into boxes, but little did he know how long this peace would last. Especially with none of his creations having been destroyed in the captures.  

A/N: I do not claim any of the characters in this story other than the reader puppet herself!! all characters unless listed belong to mochamura!

Chaos requires Balance (Paris the puppet x puppet!reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant