Chapter 11: out of a comatose nightmare

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When you finally awoke, you sprang to your feet to survey your surroundings. Nothing but mirrors, even on the floor and ceiling, could fill your field of vision. "Must be another one of his creations... otherwise something or someone else is at work..." You muttered to yourself, and you continued to scan the area. With an annoyed sigh, you began to call out into the enigma of mirrors. "HELLO?! ANYONE HERE?!" No response. You continued to call out, even though there was a continuing silence always following behind. 

'Only one thing I can really do now...  I Don't really know what's in here, but I cannot sit here to simply act as a target.' You now turned to a hallway behind you, and stepped forward into it. As expected, the mirrors continued on as you walked. It even seemed to form a sort of maze, one from which you assumed had no internal exit. Out of the corner of your eye, you'd occasionally note that it seemed the reflection's eyes were black and blood red, instead of your normal scarlet and white. 'My mind must be tricking me... I have to keep moving.

And not before long... 

"Hello! Hello! Hello, anyone!!" A familiar child's voice called out amongst the reflections. You turned in the direction you could hear the voice from, and called back. "YUMI!!" And soon, you found yourself running through the maze in search of something else. Not an exit, no. You were looking for the girl who'd not only been giving leads on how to find the mistakes, but who'd found both you and your partner. "I can't wait to be you both too~ " The next new voice cooed, and you could hear it resounding through the maze. You dashed forward once again, and your reflections in the mirrors began turning to you and climbing out of the glass. Your strides only increased when you saw them, and they continued until you came across... multiple yumis? 

One of the horde was holding an unconscious boy covered in the soldier's black drool, and another one with violet eyes stood in front of it. It was now clear to you who was real and which were copies, but you barely had time to register what was going on before you grabbed the two who stood out and bolted; hordes following behind you.

Changing perspective 

Paris held up a beaten and broken doll in the sewers, which writhed and growled in his tight grasp. "I was greatly hoping I could crush you into a porcelain powder myself, But unfortunately someone else beat me to it." A course growl slipped from the dummy's throat, and the broken soldier began yelling and thrashing in an attempt to escape. Unfortunately for it, his grip was too tight on the side of its head for it to make away from the seemingly enraged monster. "Hush, fool. Just because you managed to catch my partner and hid her away doesn't mean that I won't hesitate to shatter your broken body against the wall right now.

//hey guys! Sorry for the long wait.,.

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