Chapter 7: Renegades and blood hounds

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The explanation of the lead to the three others was quick, even with the unexpected guests. At least, unexpected by (Y/N). "So, the soldier got out again? I mean, that is to be assumed with the fact that both of us are out." (Y/N) discussed with Paris, seeming to ignore the fact the other humans were present. "How should we go about stopping it, is the real question. We have a general area on where to find it, but there'll no doubt be other people there who could spot it, or more importantly, us." "When were you so cautious about getting caught? From what You described of the incident with the shoes, you just barged right in no questions asked." They went back and forth with there statements, hoping to formulate a plan, as the other girls watched in silence. 

"Maybe.. maybe just go at night? When you're less likely to get caught?" Yumi cut the two puppets off before they either got off the wrong track or began to bicker over their plans. They exchanged glances with each other, and (Y/N) looked back over at Yumi with an approving smile. "That May not give us enough time to catch the soldier, but it should give us at least enough time to investigate the scene if we're too late." (Y/N) added as an agreement to Yumi's suggestion. Paris began muttering to himself, and after a good few minutes, he finally looked back up at the others. "One of us could keep watch while the other checks the area. That way, in the case that the soldier is at the moment fleeing the scene," He began before being cut off by the other intrigued puppet. "The one on watch would be able to follow it!" (Y/N) completed with a wide grin, which revealed her own sharp teeth. 

Your perspective 

"Precisely." Paris confirmed with a smirk. "So, you two are going to check out some random person's apartment in the middle of the night to look for a toy that might not even be there?" Lily questioned, and she turned to you with an untrusting glare, to which, you have her back an innocent, toothy smile. "Would you rather let dear Yumi go inspect the scene herself?" You chimed in, leaning down in front of lily to meet her eye to eye. "N-no... But that doesn't mean I trust a random thing to-" Lily began to retort, but you cut her off again with a more menacing grin than before. "I never said you needed to trust me. Hell, why am I even talking to you if you're just in the way?" Lily began to shrink back into the couch, and a noticeable chuckle cam up from Paris, who put a hand on your shoulder. "Easy there, (Y/N). She's still a friend, she's just somewhat wary of you. Do you really wish to get on the bad side of dear Yumi's babysitter?" He asked you, and you could tell he knew you were just messing with her. 

You get yourself upright, and reverted back to your innocent smile, which scared the three girls even more. "You'll have to forgive me, I was simply getting carried away with a little practical joke of ours." You apologized, and the eyes of all three girls widened at once. "THAT WAS A PRACTICAL JOKE?!" The two twins yelled at you. Yumi had covered her ears due to the surprise of loud noises, but they didn't really noticed with their gaze fixed on you. "Essentially, to the outward eye, it looks to other people like we're going at each other's throats, even though it's just a simple joke," You began with a smile. "Any-who, we seem to have gotten off topic. I suppose i'll Be keeping watch?" Paris nodded a smile. 

"We'll leave once it gets dark."

Chaos requires Balance (Paris the puppet x puppet!reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora