Chapter 10: Can puppets dream?

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(Quick A/n, sorry I was on hiatus for so long! I'll try to make it up by introducing some fluff)

It felt like an eternity was slowly passing by you. No clue of where you were, nor why you were there. All you could do was lay there, waiting for some sign of rescue incoming.

"Someone... help... anyone..."

...The floor was cold, but not in the same way that it always was. It was... warming up beneath you? You quickly pushed yourself off of the floor, and looked to your hands. 'This... isn't possible...' And true to your thoughts, it shouldn't be. Both of your hands were a pale shade of brown and warm, similar to how a human's body would feel and look. You grabbed your wrist and began pulling. It didn't hurt, but your arm didn't pop out of its socket like normal. You were somehow in a real, human body. 

Without warning, you could feel a pair of long  arms lift you up from behind, and you were soon being carried bridal style. Of course, your first instinct told you to strike whoever was carrying you. But, before you could even attempt to move your arms, a familiar voice was speaking. "Oh, thank the stars you're alright, (Y/N)." The voice was warm and gentle, like ripples of water in the sun. But at the same time, he sounded tired and overworked. This lead you to two options of who it could be; both of which you knew very well. "Paris was worried sick about you. You shouldn't have gone off by yourself, who knows how badly you could've gotten hurt." He voice said, now confirming who you guessed it was. 

Once you finally looked up, you could see the face of your dear creator: Ivan. But, he looked different. His face was wrinkled, and his hair was graying. "Ivan... I missed you..." You just barely muttered, before wrapping your arms around his chest to hug him. "I'm glad to see you too, (Y/N), but we both know he needs you right now." Ivan put you down, and guided you to another room. You didn't even have to open the door to tell someone was pacing the floor inside. "But, Ivan-" You began, only to turn towards empty space. Ivan had disappeared, and the only thing in front of you was a door. 

Hesitantly, you reached your hand to the doorknob and slowly opened it. On the other side of the door; there was a pale-skinned man, pacing the floor and mumbling to himself. His appearance could only be described with dark hair, a clean suit, and blood red eyes. It took you a moment to register who it was, before you opened your mouth to speak.

"Paris?" You mumbled, and stepped into the room with him. Immediately, he turned his attention to you, and quickly pulled you into a tight hug. "Thank god you're alright!! When you didn't come back, I- I got so scared that something happened to you!" He stammered. You didn't respond. There was no real way to respond, except to let your body do the work. And it did; because you could feel yourself wrap your arms around him, and simply melted into his embrace. 

And you just stayed there for a while. Enjoying his embrace, his warmth, his emotions, everything. You wanted to stay there forever. That was, until he suddenly pulled away, and gently lifted your chin up to his face. You were just mere centimeters from making contact, and you could feel your cheeks beginning to heat up. 

You felt slightly tempted to move yourself closer, but let him stay in control. He smirked for a moment, before moving backwards with a sorrowful expression. He was mumbling something, something that you could barely understand. But, and the same time, every time his lips shaped the words you could hear them ringing in your ears

"You need to wake up... please." 

Chaos requires Balance (Paris the puppet x puppet!reader)Where stories live. Discover now