Chapter 2: Charmed

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Your perspective

You could hear the constant sound of footsteps and street chatter outside of wherever you'd been thrown as you attempted to make your way out of the bag you were kept in, until you finally managed to tear a whole through the top. you immediately regretted it, though, as the scent of rotten foods began more clearly filling your nostrils and the bag itself. "Good god, why..." You muttered to yourself as you covered your nose.  Then it struck you as you remembered the person's words. "Wait... If I'm not in the box I was kept in, and I know I'm definitely nowhere near our creators home..." You muttered again, soon letting out a muffled, annoyed groan. "Those blasted mistakes got out again, and our creator must have lost track of us all... including-" You were cut off by the sound of footsteps after there had been a long silence, so you went limp. You closed your eyes and "played doll" as you heard what sounded to be a child approaching. 

Of their view

It had taken most of the day to explore the town, an awkward silence looming over the two as Yumi searched for the setting of her vision. "So... Why do you want to find her so bad? Didn't you say you would've been fine by yourself?" Yumi asked, looking down at Paris while continuing to march to the next alleyway. He looked up at her, a questioning look in his eyes. "Oh, you mean (Y/N). Well," He began to explain, Yumi's pace slowing down so she could listen. "First of all, Would have been doesn't directly mean would be, regarding our current situation. Second of all, She still has her handbasket, which would make things much easier to hide from the other humans. Wouldn't want to cause a widespread panic, now would we?" Yumi giggled slightly at his last comment, before letting him keep speaking. "And lastly, when we were made, our dear creator made us with two purposes. To rebel, and to stay away from one another. I assume you can put the pieces together?" After a moment, it clicked in Yumi's head. She decided to drop the subject for the rest of the walk, at least until she came upon an alleyway with three dumpsters in the back. "Found it." She stated, and checked to make sure nobody was watching before putting Paris down and walking closer to one of them. 

A cloud of smoke rose around the puppet, once again revealing his more humanoid form as he approached the dumpster farthest from the entry. "Shouldn't be all that hard to find her from here. Although, it's definitely not the most pleasant situation I've had to find her in." Paris mumbled, his gaze becoming tense and focused on the task at hand. "Actually... she's in that one." Yumi corrected, pointing to the dumpster in the middle. Paris looked over at her again, sighed, and gave her a thankful smile before correcting his path. He opened up the lid a small bit, and to his expectations, a dusty doll wearing a now dirty white dress and messy (H/C) bun laid in a bag, both eyes closed. He smirked for a moment, before opening the lid completely and pulling the doll out of the bag. Of course, upon coming into contact with him, the magnet in the dolls hand reacted by sticking to his palm, getting a chuckle out of Paris. 

"Now are you going to keep pretending or could we get you cleaned up?" He asked, tilting his head to the side. The doll opened an eye, and let out a slightly annoyed sigh. "Charming to see you again, Paris, but would you please put me down?" (Y/N) asked, moving her head to the side a bit to spot Yumi. "And who might you be?" She asked the albino girl, to which she backed away slightly. 

"Yumi Wright. Her name is Yumi Wright." 

Chaos requires Balance (Paris the puppet x puppet!reader)Where stories live. Discover now