Chapter 8: The hermit and The tower

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The hours that passed by seemed like days, until the sky was finally dark enough for you to be covered by it. Once the dusk finally reached its peak, you headed out for what yumi had described. "304... third floor... lots of plants.. with yellow curtains." You repeated to yourself as you finally reached your destination. "Perfect. And with time to spare." You looked for a nearby ladder, and brought yourself up to the roof of the building next to it. This way you'd be able to watch the window as well as the front door, just in case the soldier was still inside and attempted to make an escape.

Minutes passed, at least half an hour, without a single trace of the soldier's presence. "Hmm... perhaps that soldier might not be as much a fool as he was in the past..." you muttered to yourself, leaning forward to try to look closer. Assuming that the soldier wouldn't show himself anytime soon, you maneuvered back down, and quietly made your way in through the window. You didn't notice the woman leaving the building as you looked around, noting the black sludge that covered some of the wall and the floor. "He must've already done his work... but where is the child?" You wandered the home in an attempt to find the soldier and his captive. Little did you know; there was an unconscious child and a toy bearing malice in the coat closet, waiting for a meddling puppet to pass by. 

"Well, if it isn't our creator's little puppet."  The soldier muttered with a toothy sneer and a grumbled voice. "But... it's only one of them. Where's the second one? No matter, all the easier to catch." As you passed in front of the small opening, the soldier leaped out to attack you, and knocked you off your balance. Of course, you attempted to push the soldier off of you, but he'd pinned you down against the floor, with your back facing up and your face pushed into the carpet. And due to the fact that the soldier wasn't a human, using your legs to attempt to hurt him paid useless. You were trapped, and Paris was nowhere near to get you out of the situation you were in. "This is going to be enjoyable~" The soldier taunted, and slammed your head against the ground hard enough for you to hear a crack, and before it all turned black, you saw a sneer on the soldier's face as he looked down at you. 

Thirty minutes later, over with Paris 

Police cars, a women crying to the authorities, and the same description yumi had told him and (Y/N). Those were the things that told Paris where he was. He looked up to the window: still open from before. "Tch... He must've escaped before (Y/N) arrived..." he muttered to himself, a frown slightly revealing his sharp teeth once more. Only hesitating for a moment, he jumped up to the window and climbed in to look around. "Hmm... he's definitely been here... but that must mean he made off with the child." He groaned to himself, and looked out the window in the direction of where (Y/N) was. Or rather... Where she was supposed to be. "Wait... Where..." he began, and his eyes went wide in shock 

"Where's (Y/N)?

A/n: hey guys! It's tia here! So, i'mma Just say this out loud. I can't draw my interpretation of the reader for crap! So, if there are any artists out there reading this, please send in fan art of the story! It would be highly appreciated, and it might help make the chapter images! Anyways, what do you guys think is going to happen next? Hope you enjoy chapter 8!

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