Chapter 12: Broken reflections

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The soldier stopped screaming within Paris's grasp, and the struggle against his grip ceased. "Good. Now, where did you put them? I won't ask again." The puppet growled again, tightening his grip onto the soldier's broken, porcelain head. I don't have enough time for this. The girls need me. Even though he kept a brave face, his mind was running rampant with worry over his missing partners. He only recently got them, but it would still be... difficult to work without them. One would be able to track down, or at least give a lead to where his old targets lay. And the other... well... now's not the time to think about it. 

"Back there.... down down down... above the water... past the pipes... up the ladder... into the dark room." The soldier grumbled, weakly pointing down the sewer path. As the soldier finished its sentence, Paris's snarl curled upwards into a smirk. "Stay here. Whether it's a trap or not, I'll be back for you either way." He commanded the broken toy as he tset  off to find his partners. 

He followed down the path that the soldier had pointed out for him, on edge and tightly gripping his blade to prepare himself for whatever trick that had been laid out for him to fall into. But as he made his way into the depths, he was met with a surprise: nothing. No traps, No enemies. There was just what seemed to be a mirror, covered by a large cloth, in the back of the room. When he pulled its covering away, it reflected nothing. Only a glimmer of light that wasn't even there. 

That was until it reached out to grab him. 

Changing perspective 

'Thank Ivan we don't need to rest for stamina'  you thought to yourself as you continued to run through a labyrinth of mirrors from hordes of yourself. Unfortunately for you, yumi, and the kid, they didn't seem to need to rest either. More and more clones of yourself rose from the glass surrounding you as you continued to run. You were losing distance, and your turns had to become more agile to avoid the grip of new clones onto you or either of the kids you held in your grip. "Oh come now, give up! There is nowhere you can run for you to escape us! We'll-" before the horde could finish their sentence... 


Glass was breaking all around you. The horde ceased their chase and began falling apart. You weren't sure of what was happening outside... but you could only hope that whatever it was wouldn't cause you to break just as well. The next thing you knew, you were flung into a dark room with glass flying all around you. No more clones... no more mirrors. You braced yourself and those within your grip for an impact either against a wall or the floor, but instead came into contact with something else. Cold skin and wet fabric. "(Y-" whoever was trying to say something was cut off, as the momentum you'd gained was enough to knock you both to the ground. 

When you finally opened your eyes, you saw claws reaching from the glass shards in front of you. You jumped backwards, and whoever you'd landed on had jumped a good ways back as well. "Tenacious little wretch," you heard from behind you, which immediately let you know who it was. "Paris?" You put yumi and the little boy aside and out of reach from the glass's grip, before turning to face the fellow dummy. He appeared drenched in some sort of liquid, glaring towards a mirror with his blade tight in hand. He'd barely even seemed to acknowledge you as hands  stretched out from the mirror shards, scraping along the ground in an attempt to reach the four of you. 

And then you turned to the frame. It was perfectly intact. "Ivan's mirror... I thought this was destroyed." You muttered to yourself, and jerked your head back in Paris's direction. "The frame needs to be destroyed as well. Otherwise it will only keep trying to drag us into its reflection." 

Paris looked down to you and nodded in acknowledging, before charging forward to slash through the wooden frame effortlessly. The hands disappeared, and the shards of glass returned to the state of a normal mirror. "And stay down you worthless pile of trash." He huffed to the remains, before turning his softened gaze to you and yumi. 

Chaos requires Balance (Paris the puppet x puppet!reader)Where stories live. Discover now