Chapter 5: reminisce

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Your perspective 

It didn't take long for your to get the stench off of your body, but when it came to your clothes, that was a different story. You'd needed to borrow one of Yumi's outfits, which was uncomfortable due to your size compared to her. That was, until, a grey cover up was slipped under the door, with the shadow of a specific puppet's shoes blocking some of the light. "We both know that a child's clothing would not fit you in this form, lest you want to turn into a doll." You heard him say, and pressed your hand against the door to feel a faint, cold pressure pushing against it. Smiling at the door, or rather who was on the other side of it, you put on the cover up and made sure the opening stayed closed. You may be a puppet yourself but that doesn't mean it wouldn't be embarrassing if you were caught undressed! 

"Thank you, Paris." You said to him, free hand reaching for the door knob. Much to your surprise, it opened on its own, and you immediately retracted your arm back under the cover up. "No need for such formalities between us, (Y/N). After all, we have a lot to discuss." Paris stated, reaching out a hand for you to take with a small smile on his face. Instinctively, you took it, the two magnets clicking together the moment your palm was in line with his. "Oh... erm... I need to-" You began, turning back in an attempt to grab the hand-basket you'd brought into the bathroom with you, until you saw Paris holding it up in his free hand. You smiled, memories of how the two of you worked flooding back. "Still quick on your feet, aren't you?" You asked with a chuckle, earning the response of. "There may be a bit of rust here and there but that does not mean I'm any slower than you."

You smiled goofily at his statement as he started to drag you downstairs. "Are you sur-" Before you could finish your sentence, you were abruptly cut off by your partner. "I made sure everyone in the household was asleep, especially Yumi's parents. This should give us enough time to get you caught up on our situation, as well as for your clothes to dry." You smiled at Paris again. 'Prepared as always, aren't you, my friend?' You thought to yourself, letting yourself be dragged to the couch.

Nobody's perspective

Once the two puppets were sat down on the couch, Paris began to explain all that had happened with Yumi, at least from his perspective. "So, if it weren't for Yumi's strange abilities, I would have been destroyed and forgotten?" (Y/N) asked, a serious expression on her face. Paris nodded in confirmation, the same serious expression across his own face. And it was the truth. In the morning, it was planned for trash day, in which the contents of the dumpsters would have been emptied and taken away, left to either rot or burn. "Well then... I suppose I should give her my full gratitude in the morning. After all, now there's somebody to keep you in check," (Y/N) joked, with Paris frowning in response. "I jest, I jest. Take that as vengeance for your joke back when you found me." The puppet was chuckling at her joke, attempting to keep her voice down as to not wake the residents. 

Paris soon followed in (Y/N)'s chuckling, covering the smile on his face with his free hand. "Ivan really did make a strange personality for you, didn't he?" He mumbled under his breath, his wide smile still attempting to hide under a gloved hand. Not long after, a short digital tune came from the direction of the laundry room. "Ah, that must be your clothing. I'll go get them for you." Paris said, lowering his hand to separate the two magnets holding the puppets together. "You're smiling, Paris." (Y/N) teased, and Paris rolled his eyes as he stood upright. "I'm allowed to smile from time to time as well, (Y/N)." He began walking away to grab the clothes from the dryer.

A/N: i'm Not planning to dive right into to romance, i'm Going to try to take it slow. But sometimes the inner writer can get the best of me, you know? 

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