After The Morning Prayer

42 14 13

It's just that peace you feel
After the morning prayer

The dawn still crisp and clear
Sparrows chattering
Their wings fluttering
Cockerels preaching far and near

It's just that peace you feel
After the morning prayer

Azan awakes the dormant hope
Worn lungs spawn a deep breath
Bringing us back from death
Reviving the strength to cope

It's just that peace you feel
After the morning prayer

Sojourners back from sleep
Stumbling around the streets
Dancing to the journey's beats
Sowing what they shall reap

It's just that peace you feel
After the morning prayer

New day, new man, new page
Waiting to be filled with living
Possibilities and forgiving
For which we set the stage

It's just that peace you feel
After the morning prayer

(Winner of PoetsPub April Contest 2019)

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