Chapter 11

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It took a matter of an hour for our parents to show up, ready for battle. They fall short as soon as they see us.

Loki sighs "Come inside. The mortals would probably like to listen in the heat."

Loki herds the warriors, my parents, his father, and his brother on the dueling ground, which is just tall enough for the Laufeys to stand in.

"Did he say you could cut your hair?" Laufey Senior asks as he sits. Loki crosses his arms and Laufey hisses "I am your king! Treat me with respect!"

"Our marriage has nothing to do with you, Laufey. You're not my king, either." Loki states and Laufey looks taken aback by it.

"Loki, brother..." Laufey Junior sighs, before shaking his head "You're not king for a reason! You're too immature!"

"Listen here, you snot-nosed bastard!" Loki hisses as he points a dagger at Laufey Junior "You are a child! You will run Jotunheim into the ground! You were given my throne, when you have done nothing to deserve it!"

They all look dumbstruck by Loki, before he continues "I am a god of Asgard! I am no longer Laufeyson! My loyalty lies not with Jotunheim, nor of Asgard, but with my husband!"

"We stand as equals!" I insist, before shrugging "I have no control over Loki, nor he of I!" he sighs and I repeat "Nor he of I, mostly!"

Odin gocks "You two are to be split up! If Loki can not carry a child to term, why should this marriage continue?"

Loki holds his dagger to Odin's throat and growls "Pick your words wisely, old man! They might be your last!"

I see fear flash in Odin's eyes, before Frigga rests her hand on Loki's shoulder "I know it's hard, my child." she whispers and Loki's face softens "I know that it was not your fault that the child passed. It was merely a bad pregnancy. It happens, darling."

Loki sighs, before concealing his dagger and backing up "Thor and I have discussed children in the future. When, is none of your concern. We shall stay on Midgard until we desire to go back to Asgard." he narrows his gaze at the Laufeys "I will not return if you two are there."

"We will leave, if you cage." Laufey Senior states.

Loki sneers "This is not up for debate. Go back to your realm, Laufey. Teach your son kingly responsiblies." he opens the door "Norms know that I was never your son."

Once the men leave, Frigga kisses Loki's forehead "You are my son." she whispers, before shaking her head "Not blood, but family."

"Thank you mum." he whispers and she hugs us both, before joining Odin. He turns to the warriors "Return when the giants have left Asgard."

They give a frightened nod, before starting towards the bifrost gate "Wait!" Loki sighs and they turn "I didn't mean to yell. It just kinda happened."

As the bifrost lifts our family, the warriors remain. Silently, they step forward and Fandral takes Loki's face in his hands "We were truly worried about."

Volstagg sighs and pulls out a patch of black fur "We also brought this." Loki rolls his eyes and places a kiss on Volstagg's cheek "Figured you'd like to have it."

Loki smiles weakly, before taking it and folding it in half and attaching it to his shoulder pads "You are truly a grand man."

"Indeed." Volstagg remarks, before sighing "We would truly love to stay, your majesties; however, Hogan's mum wishes for us to pop over for feast."

"We will be fine." Loki insists, before smirking "Go raise a little hel in Vaniheim! Go to a Shaboki hut!"

"Screw a harlot." I smirk and Loki elbows me "Lay with a fancy lady?" I correct and Loki nods in approval.


As Loki and I sit on a couch, waiting the magic box that they call TV, Stark asks "Do you drink?"

I give a smug look "Our juice is alcoholic."

Stark frowns as he hands over a beer "Can you even get drunk?"

I twist off the lid and declare "Not on this." Loki takes one and summons a vial, pouring some in his "What's that?"

Loki hums, before biting his lip "I stole a barrel of Jager from Ymir's stash." my eyes bulge and he shrugs "This, I can get drunk on."

"Ymir?" Banner asks and Loki nods "Isn't he the first giant? Like the giant that the gods tore apart to create Earth?"

"That's the one." Loki states, before taking a sip "It's been fermenting for billions of years. It is supposed to be locked away. Not a drop should be consumed until it's been aged for a trillion years." Loki snickers "But why should I care. My great grand children won't even live to see that."

Stark hums, before asking "What's it like? Having sex with a god? I feel like it would be outrageously rough."

Loki snickers, before nudging me "Thor gets a bit zappy at times. He's pretty great at it, in my opinion."

"Like you have test subjects." I roll my eyes, before declaring "Loki is known for his silver tounge. It turns to lead. He's loud."

Loki takes a drink "Well, to be far, I was in heat. You haven't had sex with me when I wasn't effected by the solstice, or a crowd."

"A crowd?" Natasha asks and he nods.

"Royal marriage has to be fortified in front of both kingdoms." Loki states, before scrunching his nose "The thought of it makes me want a bath."


Later that night, Loki steps out of the wash room in a black sweater, and a pair of plaid pajama pants, as Barton said. He holds the fur in his hand.

I hold his face in my hands and smile, proudly "Aren't you just ravishing?" I ask and he gives an annoyed look.

"I going to head to bed." he states, before shrugging "I'm still a bit fatigued, from the..." he bites his tounge "Come to bed when you're ready."

I slide my hands around his shoulders and hug him to me, before whispering "We will get through this."

We stand there for a long second, before he, reluctantly, slides his hands around my waist. After another, he buries his face in my shoulder and sniffles "So muscular, you make a grown man feel protected."

I chuckles and he does the same, before backing up and heading towards our room.

About half an hour later, I slip into our room and find Loki faces away from me. Silently, I strip, and crawl in, to spoon his.

As I do, he twists and places his hand to me cheek. I whisper "I didn't mean to wake you." but I'm cut short with his lips.

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