Chapter 2, Making friends

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Clove and I strutted in to history class. We took a seat next to each other. A blonde boy with crystal, sparkling blue eyes sat next to Clove and another blonde boy with ocean blue eyes sat next to me "Hi I am Peeta" the boy says "I am Katniss and this is Clove" I gesture to Clove and I. "Hey gorgeous, I am Cato" the boy next to Clove tells Clove. "Clove" Clove simply says.
"And this is Katniss" Peeta laughs "Cato and I are brothers, what about you and Clove?" Peeta asks "well, Clove and I have our own apartment because our family is poor and still living in India, we are originally from Australia." I recall. "OK PEOPLE" a voice yells, I turn towards the white board "I am Miss Portia Knowledge, please call me Portia" Portia smiles. "Now for History, we will learn about the world war 2" Portia explains the class. "YES!" Clove and I pump fists. "Sorry" we mumble. Portia simply laughs. "Pair up" she tells the class. Clove is torn away from me, Cato is asking Clove to be her partner. Clove looks at me. I nod, letting her pair up with Cato. "Peeta, do you want to be partners?" I ask Peeta "Sure Katniss" Peeta nods. After 2 hours of history we have Geography, Peeta and Cato is in the class too. We arrive at Geography. We are forced to sit in a single file, row by row. Naturally Clove plops next to me, Peeta on the other side, Cato next to Clove. "Hello! I am Effie Trinket and you all must call me Miss Trinket" Miss Trinket said cheerfully. "For Geography you all must pair up and you will work on a country" Miss Trinket explains "I have a list of every one, I have paired you all up" Miss Trinket clears her self, "Katniss and Cupid, And you are not to move until I have finished reading. I will repeat the last one, Katniss and Cupid, Cato and Clove, Peeta and Glimmer, Kate and Rich, Thresh And Finch, Finnick And Annie, Hunter and Clara, Marvel and Marie, Jason and Kayce, Casey and Erza, Lastly but not least, Brianna and Brandon" Miss Trinket recited. "Holy Soul! I am with my Ex- boyfriend!" I think

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