Trouble Brewing, Chapter 17

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I go on my phone
4leafClover: hey guys! Farewell party at my place, 6:00 pm
TheSeaGod: Sure, wait. Who's leaving?
FootyTyler: me
Ann: aww! I'll miss you! As a friend ofc
Joiscoming4u: ..... Where are you moving to?
FootyTyler: Australia, my dad got a job there
CatoBear: I'll be there
Ann: Same
GaleisChill: what's happening?
I❤️strawberries: Tyler's moving to Aus, party 2nite at 6.
GaleisChill: I'll be there
TheSeaGod: same
GlimmerDaShimmer: awww!! I'll be there
MARVELlous: GLIMMER! You have a boyfriend! I'll be there tho
4leafClover: everyone's going- in our group
Ann: Kay. See you soon.
I leave the chat.
Oh my god! It is 5:45! I hurriedly get changed then I hear ring. The door bell I open the door, Cato.
I press Clove's doorbell, it is 6:00. I assume that others are already here. I hear someone running down the steps and opens the door, Clove. "Hi," I say "Hey!" Clove smiles, "come in" I enter the house. "You're the first person here, wanna help me set up stuff?" Clove asked "Sure" I reply. Clove grabs bowls and I grab some chips and other food, we pour the chips. Ding. "You wanna get that Cato?" Clove mutters. I jog to the door. Johanna. "Oh joy" I mutter "did you have a good time?" Jo wiggles her eyebrows "JOHANNA!" I scream. Clove comes running "what happened?" She asks. "Johanna being Johanna" I mutter "JOHANNA CAROLINE LESLEY MASON! GET YOUR ASS IN THE KITCHEN!" Clove screams and storms away. Johanna follows closely behind, I laugh and shut the door. Knock knock. I open the door again Hunter and Chloe. "What the hell are you doing here?" I ask rudely "to say bye ofc" Chloe snorted "I did not ask you miss pasta." I reply rudely. "CLOVE" I yell. "Wut?" She asks "them" I reply "go away" Clove says calmly. "No" Hunter says. Clove smirks "Jo, can you help me out here please." Clove says sweetly "Sure, what's the problem?" Jo yelled back "Certain uninvited guests" Clove says. "GLADLY" Johanna yells and tackles Hunter, Clove tackles Chloe. Hunter and Chloe ended up leaving with swollen lips, black eyes and bleeding nose. While they fought everyone else arrived. Tyler was last to arrive, he arrived after the cat fight. Clove immediately went into his embrace "I am going to miss you!" Clove says. "Me too Clover, Me too" he whispers back. Clover!? "Only Cato gets to call me that!" Clove giggles "I know, I wanted to say that before we break up" he says "WHAT!" Clove exclaimed, stumbling out of his embrace. "You are breaking up with me?" She gasped "yup I am" he says sadly "Long distance relationship never works? Look at what happened to your sister," he says. "GET OUT" Clove yelled. Tyler hung his head and left, Clove runs to me & cry in my shoulder.

Stupid Cupid! Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon