The truth, Chapter 9

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I see Clove punch Cato in the jaw, Cato collapses on the ground unconscious. "CATO! CATO!" I shriek, rubbing towards Cato's unconscious body "That was a wicked punch!" I hear a girl exclaim "Thanks Jo" Clove smiles. A proper smile that I haven't seen in months because she usually only smile when Cato is around, I broke her heart. I took Cato away from her, she still cares about Cato. I need to break up with Cato. I want Gloss now. After Gloss and I take Cato to the sick bay we sit outside. "Gloss, I realised that Clove still loves Cato and Cato is blinded by me to see Clove so I will break up with Cato, so he can see Clove properly. Since I am going to breakup with Cato, will you be my boyfriend?" I ask Gloss. "Of course!" Gloss says reassuringly. He leans in, our lips meet. I hear Cato clear his throat. I pull away from Gloss, "Glimmer..." Cato begins "WAIT! Let me talk first" I burst "Fine" Cato rolls his eyes "look, I realised that Clove still loves you, but you don't realise it. I am trying to get you guys together!" I exclaim "really...?" Cato asks. "Yes" I reply "oh" he says, barely audiable. "WAIT. We have a obstacle, her gang and Hunter, her boyfriend" Gloss says quietly.
"Oh snap" I snapped. "We can create a distraction..." Gloss asked. "Ooh!! I've got it! Since I manage the school dance, I can ask Clove for help!" I exclaim "good idea! I'll wait till after school dance to ask her." Cato says. "So we are going to break up Clove and Hunter at the dance?" Gloss asked "YES" Cato and I nearly yell. "I don't think that's good idea to breakup Clove and Hunter on Valentine's Day..." Gloss documented. "We have to" Cato chimes in.

What do you think they will do??? Maybe Glimmer isn't as bad she looks?? This chapter is decliated to Emykun1. Keep strong my lovelies!!
Xxx CloveK

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