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Kats P.O.V
I look over at y/n and see her drooling a little . "Hey guys " I say hitting y/n so she snaps out of it.

Y/n P.O.V
I flinched and wiped my drool . Kat introduces me into the boys "Hey nice to meet you I'm colby" colby says looking at my eyes . "Hey I'm sam nice to meet you" sam said going in for a hug . We all talked over what we're doing and got to know each other .

2 hours later

Kat the boys and I went over to my Jeep and we got in. Sam and Kat in the back colby in the passengers seat and me driving . I start to drive to the place and I hear Sams and Kat talking about Coachella and what there wearing . Me being me butt in and say "what are you guys wearing to Coachella?" Kat , Sam ,and colby all look at me . I give them a "are you going to answer" face and they all told me there outfits then I told them my outfits . The rest of the car ride was silent . Colby on his phone , Kat fell asleep surprisingly and Sam just looking out the window , and I was focused on the road until "YOU BITCH MOVE TO THE OTHER FUCKING LANE" they all jumped out of fright and looked at me . "Oops I'm sorry" I said with a embarrassing look on my face, colby laughed and went back to looking at his phone , Kat went back to her natural state of being a cute bean and Sam went on his phone .

Colby's P.O.V
"Road rage huh?" I say with a smirk on my face as I look over at y/n "yes sir people don't know how to drive these days" y/n says as she blushes "it's natural I scream in my car 24/7 if these dumbasses don't move" I said . Y/n chuckles for some odd reason that chuckle sounded so cute .

Y/n P.O.V
As we approached the place I started to hear Kat stretch and wake up then Sam on the other hand also stretch and groan . I look at them for a quick second and these two mother fuckers went to sleep . Colby was looking out side and then looked at me every once in a while . I didn't know where we were until I looked at my gps . We were at ...

HAHA GOT YOU AGAIN . Tune in next episode coming soon 😂 (word count : 417)

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