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Kat fell back and it looked like something over came her . I ran up to her and shook her "Kat stop playing . We didn't mean it we're sorry. Kat wake up" me colby and Sam say . I feel a cold tear fall down my face and I'm scared . I grab Kat with every piece of muscle I have I lay her down on the ground and run to my bag and grab my cross I pray and say something so the demon will leave her in Spanish "que el demonio salga de ti, por favor, señor, ayúdame y protégeme, a Colby, a Sam y a Kat, quítale este spirt de ella" I said hey I guess school came through okay this isn't a good thing lemme stop .. Kat jerks and opens her eyes Sam and colby look at me . Sam gets down and hold her "why does my head hurt" she says obviously hurting "where dose it hurt babe" sam says , she shows him the back of her head from when she fell . "We have to go what time is it .. "Sam says as I get my phone . 3:36 AM I show Sam and Sam freaks the fuck out . "Let's go to the hospital now she needs help , babe how bad dose it hurt ?" He asks Kat as a tear falls down his face she said " a lot like it's like a migraine times 100" Kat says . I get down and help him colby as well we all take her to the car and I check out colby has everything and we leave .

                          At the hospital
The doctor asks me what happen I said "she just didn't feel well and fell to the floor we don't know what it was it happen to fast . " "okay well it will be okay she has just a little bit of a scratch but it will go away soon if it hurts give her a pain killer it'll work" the doctors say . " "give her a pain killer it'll work" my ass that shit is wack" y/n said rolling her eyes . I felt a tear fall and I feel y/n is hand on my cheek wiping it away and she hugs me tight and says "it's going to be okay sam , just don't talk about it and stop thinking about it" I nod and hug her then colby comes and gives me a hug two . A couple minutes later Kat comes out and with a ice pack on her scratch . We go home y/n driving colby in the passenger seat and Kat and I in the back Kat and I mange to get a little sleep.

"Hey are you doing okay" colby says as he places his hand on my thigh . "Yea it's just hectic also after everything Kats staying at Sams apartment."I said feeling colby hot hands on the ripped part of my jeans . "Hey I thought of what you could make up to me .." colby said which I honestly forgot about "oh really and what is it ?" I said curious . "Well I want you to do anything I want so if I want food you have to either make it for me or get it for me ." He said with a cheesy smile . "Okay" I said winking at him . "so stay at my apartment" colby said looking at me and biting his lip . "Alright" I said licking my lips obviously teasing him.

Colby's POV
Oh she's going to enjoy tonight ... I thought to my self ..

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