Chapter 25: He's Not Innocent

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Damian's POV

It has been a whole day since I have last spoke to Alice. After I mentioned that I knew about the murders her brother committed in the past she ran out my office and locked herself in one of the guest rooms. Sebastian and George gave me shit for mentioning her past but understood that that bit of information slipped out in the heat of the moment. I understand that she lost her brother years ago, and that she misses him dearly. But she can't be blind to the fact that Connor plays a role in murders along with Charles. And the sooner she realized that the better we can guard ourselves before the Moon Harvest.

"What room is Alice in?" I ask Sebastian while looking at the files Abel dropped off yesterday.

"I'm not sure I should tell you Damian, she was pretty clear earlier this morning that she wanted to be left alone. Alice even turned down Bonnies visit." I know she is upset but I didn't think she was upset to he point she would even lock Bonnie out.

"In that case. Do you happen to know where Bonnie is currently?"

"Yeah, she's with Uncle George, he decided he to remodel Bonnies room." At least she is with somebody who can be trusted. I'd drop dead if Sebastian said she was being looked after by one of those two murderous bastards.

"That's nice."

"Uncle George wanted to spoil the girl a little and turned he room in to a place fit for a princess, I have never seen that man work so fast. He started working on early this morning and by ten o'clock he had more than half of the room done."

"Wonderful. What room is he working in?"

"Two doors down on the left, that's only a couple doors down from you and Alice's room."

What does George think he is doing? He can't just go making changes in my house, with out consulting me first. I know remodeling a room for Bonnie is a harmless action, but his attention should be on the threat that is currently staying under this roof. But, I can't exactly interfere with what he doing, he may be trying his best to keep Bonnie distracted. And if that is what he is doing I appreciate his effort.

"Wow, I'm surprised you haven't marched down there and demanded that George joins our little chat." Sebastian says sarcastically.

"George is keeping Bonnie safe and distracted."

"Somebody's getting soft!" Sebastian laughs, I honestly don't understand how he can be happy. He is literally cracking jokes like the past couple of days didn't happen, and here I am pushing myself to the limit trying to figure out what the hell is going on.

"Damian, loosen up a bit. I know you're worried, but locking yourself in your office and constantly searching for answers in a single case file isn't doing anybody good." He has a point, but there has to be something I'm missing in the file Abel dropped off on Connor. I have gone over it a hundred times in the eighteen hours and I'm convinced there is something I glossed over in the file.

"What am I supposed to do the Sebastian? Just give up trying to find out what exactly those two want from us? If I don't keep stay guarded I'm putting lives in danger."

"I never say to let your guard down." He and George need to be more clear on what they want and what they are expecting of me.

"You know what he wants Damian." Sebastian states. I can't read into things like my brother can, that's has always been his talent since we were young. He was always able to tell when I was upset and the true reason behind my outburst before I was able to reflect on myself. So if he figured out why they are here he needs to come out and say it before I lose my patients.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2020 ⏰

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