Too drunk

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Shawn POV:
1...2..3..4...5 tequila shots and a lot of beers were making me lose my mind. I looked to Y/n. She was talking to Brian and laughed hard. I looked her body up and down and couldn't help but lick my lips. She was so hot. My mind was fully off when I walked over to her and laid one arm around her. „You look so good.", I whispered into her ear. I was way too drunk to pay attention to her reaction.

My hand went down her back to slightly rub over her beautiful bum. The moment I touched her booty electric vibes went through my body. I've never touched her like this.

„Shawn!", she yelled and stepped away from me. She slapped my arm away and looked to me with an angry expression on her face. „He's too drunk.", Brian said to her and held me away from her. „Let me go.", I said and tried to free myself of him. „Shawn Let's Go.", Brian said and wanted to leave. „No wait. I have to ask her something.", I said but I'm sure with all the alcohol in me it was way harder to understand. „Y/n?", I said and stepped closer to her. She was looking at me with a confused expression on her face.

„Do you want to come with me? We could have a lot of fun with each other." I said, smirked and stroked over her arm. Her expression went shocked. „Common Buddy Let's Go.", Brian said and tried to pull me away. „No!", I yelled and kept standing in front of her. „Shawn go!", Y/n said and left me standing there.—

„Don't tell me I really did that?", I asked Brian the next day. „You did.", he said and chuckled slightly. „Why didn't you stop me?", I asked. „I tried Shawn.", he answered. „What did she say?", I asked him and felt the heat rush to my face. „She told you to go.", he answered with a slight of pity in his voice.

I messed this up. I can't believe that I really messed this up. I was so close to ask her out and tell her how I feel about her, but now? How am I supposed to get things to normal?

I haven't seen her for a week now. She didn't come to visit me on tour even tho she told me she would come again. I tried to call her but she didn't pick up the phone.

„Y/n?", I asked as she walked past me. She looked to me and I could tell that she was uncomfortable. „I'm just picking up my guitar.", she said and wanted to go further. „Wait.", I said and held her back by her arm. „Can we talk?", I asked silently. She thought for a couple seconds but then gave in.
We went into my dressing room so no one could hear us. „You've been avoiding me.", I stated and looked down to her. Even with that sad look on her face she was looking beautiful. She didn't say anything. „Brian told me what I did at the party. And I'm sorry. I don't know why I did that.", I said and tried to take her hand but she took hers away. I sadly looked down to my feet.

„Can we please just go back to normal? I got that you are not interested in me and I'll be fine but I really can't lose you.", I said and swallowed. „But you hurt me.", she said and looked up to me. „By asking you if you want to have sex with me?", I asked a little confused. She nodded slightly. „I don't want to be girl that you want to fuck Shawn.", she started to explain with a pretty loud voice. „I want to be the girl that you like so much that you want to be with her.", she said and turned around. She was about to leave when I hold her back.

„You are exactly that girl.", I said and blushed. She looked extremly confused. „Listen Y/n.", I started and took her hands into mine. This time she didn't take them away. „I don't know why I did what I did at the party. I was drunk and I regret what I said. I mean of course I want to have sex with you. But that's not all I want. I want you to be mine. I want you to be with me okay?", I said and slightly stroked over her cheek. „Really?", she asked and smiled slightly. „Yeah Really.", I said and couldn't help but smile too. Both of us looked into each other's eyes and smiled like idiots. „Can I Kiss you?", I asked cause I really felt the need to press my lips on hers. She nodded slightly and lifted her weight on her tip toes. Our faces and bodies were extremely close now.

„Do it Shawn.", she whispered since I haven't filled the space between us yet. I smiled before I slowly leaned in further which made our lips touch for the very first time. A firework of emotions was filling my body. Her fingers went through my hair while my hands softly stroked her back.
Everything felt perfect. „Be with me.", I said as we pulled away.

„I'm all yours.", she answered before she leaned in again.

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