Señorita (1)

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DISCLAIMER: This is not a Shawn+Y/n story. It's about Camila and Shawn. I just love them together and they inspired me to write this. If you do not like them together please don't hate me. I just think they are cute. —————

„Camila?", I asked and looked at the tiny little lady standing across the room. She turned around immediately sending me her biggest smile. My eyes widened right away while I couldn't hold back my smile. What is she doing here?

„Hey Canada.", she said while walking over to me to give me a tight hug. „Why are you here?", I asked her right away since I was very surprised to see her backstage at MY show. „I just thought I should visit you. Is that so bad?", she asked and while she was saying that I couldn't help but stare at her beautiful lips. Oh damn how much would I pay to kiss them.

Just once.

„No of course not. I love the idea of having you here.", I answered honestly. Since Camila and I filmed for our music video, she was (again) all I could think about. There was a time where I thought I might be over her. Or better said, over the fact that I could never have her, but right as we started the rehearsals for „señorita", everything came straight back.
„Good, cause I might be sticking around for a while.", she said enthusiastically. „Really?", I asked excited.

Maybe a little too excited.

„Yeah. I'd love to sing señorita with you on stage if you're okay with that.", she answered and looked to me with her hopeful eyes.
Just by the thought of being on stage with her made me nervous. But I got so excited to spend time with her that I was able to forget about the nervous part.

„Of course. That's going to be awesome.", I said a little too excited again.
„Yeah.", she screamed and jumped up and down while holding on to my arms.

Since we shooted for the music video, we are pretty touchy with each other. I guess that's because we had to be extremly open with each other for the music video.

Just by remembering the way I touched her, was making my heart beat faster.

„Let's practice.", she said and dragged me with her to one of the backstage rooms.

„Acoustically on the guitar?", I asked her as I picked up one of the guitars out of one corner. „Yeah Let's see how that sounds.", she said, so I started to play. Whenever we were singing together I had this completing feeling inside of me. Like there's nothing else that I want to do.

„I think that's how we're going to do it.", she said after we changed up harmonies multiple times. „Don't mess it up", she joked around and smiled. „I'll try.", I answered and smiled back to her.

I can't express how much I enjoyed it to play señorita on stage with her. And considering the reactions of my fans, I was not the only one.

„You were amazing.", she said after the concert was over. She walked closer to me and hugged me tightly. „Thank you for joining me on stage. It was awesome.", I answered as I pressed her against my body. I inhaled her scent deeply, enjoying every single second of her presence.
„Wanna hang out in my hotel room?", she asked sweetly, making my heartrate increase enormously.
„Sure.", I answered trying to hide my feelings towards her. I mean, she knows how I feel about her. At least she knows that there was a time that I liked her more than a friend. Little does she know that it's still the exact same feeling. Maybe even more.

30 minutes later we entered her hotel room. „Wow this view is amazing.", I said as I looked outside the  glass windows.
„I know.", she answered and walked closer to the windows. From up here you could see the skyline perfectly.
I walked over to her and stopped behind her. Since she was very small, I could easily rest my chin on her head, and since we did this multiple times ( especially for the music video) it was kind of an instinct to do so. I could hear her chuckle when my chin touched her hair, which made me chuckle too. To make this moment complete, I wrapped my arms around her shoulders. And a second later her hands were resting on mine, sending electricity through my veins.
„Can I tell you something?", she asked all of the sudden. And considering the way she emphasized those words, it was serious. I moved my head down a little so my lips would touch her hair. With a tiny little nod I signalized her to go on, while I enjoyed the wonderful scent of her hair.

I felt her body rising under my arms as she  took a deep breath. „What is it?", I asked after she still hasn't said anything. „It's complicated.", she answered silently. „I love complicated.", I said with a small grin on my face.
A small chuckle left her mouth before she moved inside my arms. The moment I was able to look in her face, I saw a tear rolling down her cheek. My eyes widened at that sight, awaking the protecting side of me.

„Oh my god, why are you crying hunny? Did something bad happen?", I asked immediately while I wiped away the tear off her cheek.
„No not exactly.", she said and looked at me with her big red eyes. „Okay Common.", I said and dragged her to the couch. I pulled  her close to my body, so I could comfort her.

„Tell me.", I said and took one of her hands. „It's just there is this boy.", she started and looked down to our hands. „A boy? What's with Matthew?", I asked immediately. „I know I should have told you, but we broke up a month ago.", she said without looking me in the eye. I couldn't help but feel mad at her for not telling me. I've been waiting for almost two years for her to be single, and now that she is, there's another boy. I guess you can imagine how I feel right now.
„I'm sorry Shawn. But I was not really able to talk about it. I just wanted some space from this break up thing.", she explained. „It's okay.", I managed to get out. I was mad but on the other hand, I could never act like a dick around her. „So what's with that new guy?", I asked even though I really didn't feel like listening to that. It was breaking my heart into pieces. Again.

„He is not new. I know him for a pretty long time. But until a couple weeks ago, I've never saw more in him than a good friend. And now all of the sudden there are feelings that I can't control and it's driving me crazy.", she explained quickly. „Oh okay. Does that guy like you back?", I asked since I really wanted to try to help her. „I don't know. He used to I think.", she answered and looked down to our hands that were still touching each other. „Well you should tell him.", I said even though it was breaking my heart.

„I can't.", she answered sadly. „Why not?", I asked curiously. „Because I just broke off with Matthew and I don't want him to think  weird about me.", she explained.
„I bet if he really likes you, he's just going to be glad, that you told him.", I answered, knowing how I would feel about it.
„Did you broke up with Matthew because of him?", I asked curiously before she could say anything.
„It's not the only reason, but yeah.", she answered honestly. „Woah you must really like this guy.", I said while I tried to bare this horrible horrible feeling inside of me. „Yeah I do.", she said while a small smile left her lips.
„Brian is calling. Wait a second.", I said and picked up.

„He just quickly explained tomorrows schedule.", I said after I hung up. Camila was standing in front of the window like earlier. She turned her head slightly and gave me a small nod. „Can you come here?", she asked silently without looking to me. I stood up immediately and walked over to her. Right when I was standing behind her, she turned around. Our bodies were close enough to touch and it didn't take a second for her to grab my hands.

A couple minutes ago she was talking about this other guy and now she is taking my hands? This situation couldn't be more confusing.
„Can I ask you something?", she asked with her silent sweet voice. I gave her a small nod while I watched every single movement of her. „Do you still like me more than a friend?", she asked all of the sudden, catching me off guard.
For a couple seconds I stopped to breathe since I didn't know what I should tell her.
„Sorry for asking so directly.", she added and smiled up to me while she squeezed my hands. I looked down to our hands and smiled slightly. I've always dreamed of holding her hands like that.
Even though I wanted to tell her so badly, I was not able to answer her question. It was like there was something in my throat preventing the words to come out. Simple words.
I love you.

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