Believe in love

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„I want it that way!!", everyone screamed while dancing like idiots. I chuckled as I gulped down my beer and went straight to the bar to get another one. Right when I was about to reach the bar, the girl in front of me turned around to leave with a drink in her hand.

My eyes widened as I recognized her immediately.

„Common Shawn sing for us.", they shouted at me and tossed me around. „Sing! Sing! Sing!", they yelled and laughed at the same time. Soon I felt two hands push me against the lockers making me breathe in deeply. „Woah you're so embarrassing.", Brandon, the main leader of the group, said and smirked. I looked away from him. „Hey! Look at me loser!", he said aggressively. My face turned to him. „Oh damn I forgot your lazy eye. Look away again cause that's freaking me out.", he said and laughed right after. His 3 friends laughing with him. My head went down to the ground as I didn't know what to do. Why do they always have to pick on me?

„Brandon!", I heard someone shout in anger. His face turned to the girl standing in front of him. I've seen her a couple times here already. She's around a year younger than me, but she never failed me with her beautiful appearance and confidence.
„Let him go!", she shouted and pointed at him with her finger. His grip loosened and I was free to breathe again. 
„Why are you doing this Brandon?", she asked him and placed her hands on her hips. „He is a loser.", He simply answered. My head went down to the ground again. „You're such an asshole Brandon! The only reason why you push other people down is because you're uncomfortable with yourself! Stop picking on other people and get some help.", she said seriously and looked to me right after. I nodded to her with a small smile on my face to signalize her that I was okay and thankful for what she did. She nodded back and showed me her beautiful smile. And in this moment it was done for me. She was all I wanted but I knew I could never have her.
-Flashback ends-

„Hey.", I said and smiled to her. She looked me in the eyes and smiled back to me.
„Hi!", she answered surprised and continued to look at me. „Do you know who I am?", I asked her but regretted it right after cause it sounded weird.

„I know you're Shawn Mendes, the Singer. But I assume you mean do I still know you from school?", she answered sweetly.
My heart was beating extremely fast just by looking at her.
„Yeah.", I said and scratched my neck nervously. „I do remember that you were being picked on yes.", she answered and gave me a pity look.

„But you saved me.", I answered simply, blushing like a little kid.
„I did?", she asked surprised. „Yeah. After you told Brandon to stop, he never picked on me again. I always wanted to thank you, but I was way too nervous for that to be honest.", I explained honestly while I was getting hot like the sun.

„Oh that's lovely. And that's okay Shawn.", she answered softly. „No it's not. I don't even know your name.", I answered truthfully.

„Y/n.", she said and stretched out her hand. As I took her hand in mine to shake it I felt thousands of butterflies in my stomach.
„Nice name.", I whispered more to myself but she heard it and blushed slightly. I bit my lip nervously trying to hide my smile.

„Are you hungry?", I asked awkwardly since I really wanted to spend some time with her, alone.
She raised her eyebrows. „Or thirsty?", I asked nervously, but as she looked down to her drink, I faceslapped myself mentally.

„Or maybe just willing to give me a chance to talk, alone?", I asked finally.
Her surprised look turned into a happy one, which caused me to smile immediately. „Okay.", she said and took my hand in hers to pull me with her. I was surprised by her quick reaction, but again fascinated by her confidence.
„So Shawn Mendes. How is it to be a superstar?", she asked once we were walking down a street in the dark.
I chuckled slightly.

Shawn Mendes Imagines/ SmutsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt