Señorita (2)

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„You don't know?", she asked because I haven't answered her.

„Why do you want to know that?", I asked instead of answering. Thanks god I was finally able to speak again.
Now she was the one not answering.

„Is it because you're scared our friendship won't work anymore?", I asked since this awkward silence was killing me.
„No that's not the reason.", she whispered and looked down to our hands.

„Then wha-", I started but stopped because she was suddenly coming closer with her head. Her eyes were directly locked with mine, reminding me of the scenes we shooted for the music video. I missed being so close to her. But why is she doing this?

My body was full of adrenaline, since Camila and I never had such a situation in real life. As one of her hands softly stroked over my cheek, I lost my shit.
„What are you doing?", I managed to get out of my mouth.
„Oh Common Shawn. Don't play dumb.", she said suddenly and placed both of her hands on my neck.
„I'm not. You're confusing me.", I said while watching every single move of her.
„You're the boy I was talking about.", she said and started to blush. My eyes widened and my facial expression changed instantly.
„You broke up with Matthew because of me?", I asked in disbelief.
She nodded her head slightly.

„Shooting this music video really opened my eyes. The way you were treating me was making me feel so special. I've never felt like this before.", she explained while blushing even more.

A big smile formed on my face. I really didn't expect that. I mean I felt there was an extraordinary connection between us while shooting that video, but since she was with Matthew, I didn't put my hopes up.

„You can't imagine how badly I've been waiting for you to say that.", I answered with the biggest smile on my face.
She giggled slightly and looked down for a second to hide her blush.
„And to answer your question. Yes. I've never really stopped liking you more than a friend.", I added. „I'm so glad I've finally told you.", she said after we looked at each other for a while.

„Do you know what the hardest challenge of my life was until now?", I asked her. She shook her head slowly while looking at me with her big eyes waiting for my answer. „Not kissing you at the shooting.", I said lowly. Her face lit up even more and I bet her cheeks were burning hot.
„You can do it now.", she answered shyly. My heart beat increased even more. My look went up and down her lips and eyes while I moved closer to her. My hands were pulling her closer to my body by her waist, while her hands were stroking my neck. Shivers went down my spine while she did that.

While looking at her lips, I licked over mine and bit on my bottom one after. As I leaned in with my head, my hands were now placed on her cheeks to be as close to her as possible.

How many times have I dreamed of this scenario? I can't count.

Shawn Mendes Imagines/ SmutsWhere stories live. Discover now