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I wasn't sure how I felt walking down the aisle, knowing that I wouldn't ever see him again. It honestly turned my stomach upside down again and again. And the worst part is that.... he doesn't even know.

I clutched my diploma in my hands, a huge smile on my face as I walked back to my seat. Oh, you thought I was getting married? Oh, hell no. I'm only 17. I'm graduating high school! I smiled at my parents as I took my seat. My smile quickly faded when I heard his name being called shortly after mine....

"Mark Fischbach."

I looked up just in time to see Mark, the "love of my life", receive his diploma. He looked directly at me and grinned. It was the same grin that once made me fall in love with him. I smiled back, politely, holding my diploma up, even though his excitement had absolutely no effect on me. He practically jogged back to his seat. Our last names weren't too far apart - mine starting with D, and his F. So, he was only a row behind me. Actually, his seat was assigned directly behind me... I felt his large hand on my shoulder suddenly.

I fought the urge to flinch and looked back at him. He was smiling like a damn idiot. I couldn't help but smile back, even though the thought of losing him burned constantly in the back of my mind was slowly pushing its way to the front of my head. It was giving me a migraine. Mark must have noticed that something was wrong because he kissed my forehead. Dammit, he's making this so hard on me...

I saw a flash from my right. My mom just took a fucking picture of that moment. I looked over at her and shook my head. With a thumbs up, she quickly put the camera away.

My biggest accomplishment and one of the most important milestones of my life and I'm sitting here, worrying about my failing love life.

The Past Present - A Markiplier FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now