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"What's the question that you were going to ask me?" I asked.
He looked at me and said, "I was wondering if you would acc-" he was interrupted by someone calling our names, indicating that our food was ready. Mark groaned and went up to the counter. I followed him and reached for my plate. He lightly smacked my hand away. "No, no, no. I'll get it." He said, picking up my plate and his. He lead me to a booth and i sat down. He put the plate down in front of me and then sat down.
I began eating my sandwich as Mark sorted his plate out. He looked at me and asked, "Would you accompany me to some events?"
I gave him a puzzled look and asked, with my mouth full, "Events like wha?" The 'T' didn't come out, since I had a mouth full of sandwich.
He chuckled, "Don't talk with your mouth full. Even though you're cute when you do so... But, the events are things like small meet ups, PAX east, prime, South, and RTX. All you'll do is accompany me, be like, eh... My assistant? I don't know if that's the right terminology, but yeah.. You'll speak at panels. Ok I'll stop rambling." He looked at me, and when I didn't answer for a minute, continued, "You don't have to answer now, I know it's a lot to consider..."
I stared at him for a few more seconds and asked, "how long would I have to commit?"
"Um, well, if you mean how long the duration is, it's from next month until july of next year. But you don't have to commit to any of them." He answered.
I nodded, feeling slightly more relieved. "But, what about my job?" I asked.
"Well, just talk it over and get back to me, okay?" He said in a calming voice.
I nodded and finished my sandwich. "As long as I get off, I'll do it." I said, he grinned and got up, walking over to me and engulfing me into a bear hug.
8/4: I'm super excited to have someone new to accompany me on my journey through various meet ups and events!
8/27: Just a few more days until I announce who is accompanying me!
8/31: and the lovely human is... Julie Damon! She will be accompanying me to many meet ups. Show her some support.
Marks tweets made people go crazy, trying to dig and find out who was going with him. I said yes to the offer and I got the time off, considering half of the marching band season was over. I said my goodbyes to the kids, who I grew to love, and here I was on a Thursday, packing. I was just about to board a plane to go to PAX. mark said he would pick me up and take me to the airport. The thought of being around so many strangers made me anxious. I hoped to God that my anxiety wouldn't hinder any panels or meet ups...
I had posted videos on YouTube too, since I wanted to share the news of accompanying mark before he even announced it. I kept it on the DL, but just barely. I even collaborated on a few games with mark and people like PewDiePie, JackSepticEye, Bob, and Wade. That's mainly how I got my start with the YouTube gaming community. People were staring to recognize my name and face. I was starting to get stopped on the street and in stores. It was honestly overwhelming. But, I was so happy. My life was taking a turn for the better. And, ironically, it was all because of mark.
Even though the number of subscribers didn't matter to me, I still liked to check the number once a day.
I zipped up my luggage and walked to my office, where I record my videos. I logged onto my YouTube and clicked on my channel. 680,900 subscribers. I grinned at the number. It grew a hell of a lot of people since I checked it two days ago. Mark just released a video with me in it, it was a Q&A, and I guess people found me funny and likeable enough to subscribe. That made me so happy.
I decided to post on Twitter about the accomplishment.
THANK YOU! I looked on my YouTube and saw the amount of subscribers. I'm crying. Thank you so much. Almost to 700k!
Honestly, I was tearing up at the thought. Which made me smile some more and I sat there, laughing at myself because I was crying. The cycle continued.
My mentions started to fill with congratulatory tweets, which made me smile even more, and cry more. You know, I was just a damn mess. But that was okay. It was a happy mess.
My doorbell rang and I got up and went to the door. I answered it and mark was standing there, all smiles. But, his smile faded when he saw that I'd been crying.
"Hey, hey, what's wrong? Have you been crying?" He asked with concern.
I nodded, but chuckled, "Yeah. People on the Internet making me happy. It's a happy cry, okay. I'm so lame."
He smiled in relief and stepped inside. "Where's your bag? I'll get it for you and take it out to the car." He said.
"Oh, that's ok. I can get it." I said and walked back to my room. I grabbed my bag, phone, and purse and walked back out to him. He was looking at the pictures on the wall above my piano. There were baby pictures, family photos, and... Prom. Prom was up there. My mother put that up there and now he was looking at it. Shit.
"You still have our prom picture from senior year?" He asked. I could hear the disbelief and amusement in his voice.
"Y-yeah... My mom put it up and..." I stopped. There was no use trying to explain it.
"It's okay, I look sexy." He said with a smirk and walked out the door.
What even just happened?
Soon after landing, I found myself in our hotel room. Yes. Our room. Wanna know something else? There was only one bed.
I opened the door to the hotel room and drug my luggage in. Mark ran ahead of me and jumped on the bed.
"what are you, eight years old?" I asked.
He giggled and nodded, "yes! I am."
I looked around the room and took it all in. It had high ceilings for a hotel room. The bathroom was spacious with a jet tub. We also had a balcony. We were on the 26th floor of this huge hotel in Seattle and the view was gorgeous. I decided to address the one bed issue after I'd stepped outside onto the balcony. I opened the door and stepped outside, closing it behind me. The balcony was a good size, with a table and chairs on it. I put my elbows on the railing and leaned over slightly, into a comfortable position. I looked out onto the city with a dazed look on my face. I must have zoned out for a few minutes. When I finally 'came to', if you will, I could feel someone staring at me. I turned and saw Mark, with the door opened, leaning against the door frame. He had his arms crossed and he was staring at me. We stayed like that for a minute or two, just staring at each other. But, he had a solemn facial expression. Like something had just happened. I finally broke the silence and asked, "How long have you been out here...?"
He looked past me and to the view, mumbling, "A few minutes... You looked so relaxed out here and... I have something to tell you."
I looked at him and nodded, "go ahead."
He sighed softly and said, "Jake passed away."
I looked at him with utter disbelief, "What? No. You're lying to me." He shook his head, holding out my phone. I reluctantly took it and saw that he had answered a call from the military base that Jake was stationed at. "You answered my phone?" I said, a bit harsher than I wanted to.
"Yeah, I'm sorry. It said that the call was from Iraq... I just assumed.." He stopped. I was so angry but terrified at the same time.
"What did they say?" I asked.
"They said that they were out in town today and a riot broke out. Jake and his partner were in the middle of it all and he was shot multiple times. Julie, he died due to blood loss. I am so sorry. I really am." He said softly.
I collapsed to the ground at the news, my legs not able to support me any longer. I started crying... And I wasn't sure when I stopped.
I woke up at least four times in the middle of the night, having nightmares about the whole situation. Part of me was still in denial that he was dead. That same part of me felt like it was gone. Dead. Like someone shot it, just like they shot Jake. I had been with him for three and a half years and it just suddenly ended because of this stupid fucking war. God, I hated him for going, I hated myself for letting him go... Hell, I even hated Obama at this point for not ending the war.
Crying over someone that you love takes a lot out of you, but you come to realize how much you actually loved them. The saying 'you never know what you have until it's gone' is too true. Honestly, I've never felt this way. Whenever mark would ask me how I felt, I just said numb. But, that was an understatement by far. The amount of feelings I had were overwhelming. Looking into the near future, I wasn't sure how I was going to survive.
Beep beep beep
The alarm went off and I didn't move, I kept my eyes closed, even though I had been awake for about two hours before the alarm sounded. It took Mark a few seconds to turn it off. My back was to him, so I couldn't see what he was doing, but, I could feel him look at me. I wondered what he must have been thinking...
Mark's POV
The alarm sounded and I slowly opened my eyes. At first, I didn't know where the sound was coming from, but God damn it was annoying. Oh, it was Julie's phone... I shut it off and sat up, rubbing my eyes. My mind was totally calm until I remembered what had happened yesterday with Jake. I didn't even know him, but I felt sad for Julie because I knew she must have loved him. I turned my head and silently looked at Julie's body laying underneath the covers. She always looked so peaceful when she slept, but last night she was restless and it absolutely broke my heart to see her like this. The poor girl had been tossing and turning all night. At one point, she got up and stepped outside. I stayed awake and watched her in case she got any ideas of ending her own life. Which, thankfully, she didn't. I know her well enough to know that she wouldn't, but I had to be one hundred percent.
I couldn't tell if she was asleep or not, but it looked like she was. The covers were up to her eyes, which I don't see how anyone can sleep like that. Don't you have to breathe? Crazy people.
I stood and walked to the bathroom, shutting the door as quietly as I could, as not to disturb Julie. I decided that a shower would be my best option to start out my first day with Julie at PAX.
After my shower, I wrapped a towel around my waist. I towel dried my hair and slung the towel around my neck. I opened the door and walked out. I saw that the bed was empty and I started to get anxious. I looked around the room and saw her, leaning against the railing of the balcony, like she was before. She looked like she was shivering. Picking up a blanket, I walked to the door and quietly opened it. No, I didn't bother to get dressed. She didn't turn around. I walked up behind her and put the blanket around her shoulders. She looked back at me and smiled softly, mumbling a soft thank you, then giggled when she saw that I was just in a towel. I smiled, "What?"
She giggled again and rolled her eyes.
Julie's POV
I heard Mark get up and get in the shower. I took this opportunity to get up and get dressed. I walked to the balcony and looked out at the view again. I didn't expect it to be that cold outside. I started shivering. But, typical Julie, I didn't bother to check what the weather was like. I looked up at the sky and, in attempt to not make myself cry, I smiled up at the sky and said, "I miss you..."
I thought I heard the door open behind me, but I didn't look. I just stared off into the city, looking around at the people. I felt a warm blanket wrap around my shoulders. I turned and looked up to see Mark in... Just a towel... What in the actual..
I smiled softly at him and mumbled, "thank you..." Trying to keep my laugh in, I turned back for a moment and then looked at him. I couldn't help but giggle.
"What?" He said. I just giggled and rolled my eyes.

The Past Present - A Markiplier FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora