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When we arrived at the convention centre, the doors weren't open. Mark had a key card to get in. We walked inside and down a long hallway. Honestly, I didn't even want to be here. But, I told Mark, I promised that I'd go with him. Even after what happened, here I am. I haven't even told my mother or father that he's gone. His parents haven't called or tried to contact me in any way. Jakes parents are on vacation, but they could at least text me with their condolences.
Mark put his hand on my shoulder, as if to calm me down. I relaxed at his touch, being really tense previously. He gave me a reassuring look and guided me to a group of people. The group consisted of Bob, Wade, Sean (JackSepticEye), Toby Turner, Felix (PewDie), Marzia, and Danny, Ross, and Arin from Game Grumps. I knew everyone except from the guys from the Game Grumps pretty well.
"Hey guys." Sean said with a smile. I imagined him to be shorter than he actually was. I had to look up more than I expected. Literally everyone was so tall. Marzia and I were almost the same height, but she had me by two inches. So, I was the shortest. It's always been that way, though. I'm only 5'6", so most people have to look down at me.
They sent mark and I off to a huge room with a lot of chairs set up in front of a stage. Mark explained to me that this was where we'd have our panel that day. I wasn't sure how I was going to function through the day.
Mark gave me a look of reassurance that it would all be okay. It made me feel a bit better. Not too much, but just enough to where I felt like I was able to actually do things.
We were scheduled to "rehearse" for an hour. I say "rehearse" because, in regular mark fashion, we did just the opposite. We talked. Which, you could technically call that rehearsing since we were just going to talk during the panel.
"Julie, tell me something..." Mark asked after a brief moment of silence.
I swung my legs off of the stage, back and forth, "hm..."
He looked down and asked, "are you okay? I'm worried about you..."
I looked at him, "yeah, I'm fine."
"you're such a liar. I know you so well. You're not fine. You're dying inside and you won't talk to me about it. It honestly hurts that you can't tell me anything anymore. What even happened to us?" He said.
I didn't know what to say. I was at a loss for words. I just sat there with my mouth open. I closed it when I knew that I had absolutely nothing to say to him. He once made me the happiest woman on earth, but then the most miserable.


After the panel, we ate lunch. Well, correction, mark ate lunch with his friends and I ate a salad. It was a small one. Mark disapproved of my choice to eat such a small meal, but I wasn't really hungry. Mark knew that, but didn't choose to accept it.
While the guys talked about games, I sat there, playing with my salad, hoping mark wouldn't see that I hadn't eaten hardly any of it. When the check came, I breathed a sigh of relief.
Mark excused us, saying goodbye, and walked me to his car. As soon as we got in the car, mark turned to me and grabbed my hand.
"Julie... Please talk to me.. I'm worried about you..." Mark said softly.
"Do you honestly want the truth?" I asked. He nodded and I continued , "Okay. Ever since jake died, I've been getting bombarded with calls and texts from jakes family, saying that I pushed him to join the military, in turn causing his death. The inevitable guilt that I feel is eating me from the inside. I feel like nobody is there for me anymore-" I was interrupted with Marks lips crashing onto mine.

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