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When I got home later that night, I couldn't sleep. I laid in bed for hours, tossing and turning, thinking about what happened after dinner. Mark and I fought over who would pay for the check. He won and I pouted about it. So, I left the tip. However, once we got home, he walked me to the door and we said our goodbyes. But, he kissed my cheek. He kissed my cheek. I still couldn't cheat, but my god, he was making this so hard on me.

These thoughts left me so restless. I looked out the window and saw the dark, navy blue sky, slowly fading to a light blue. The sun was coming up. Fuck. I also had to work today... It was my first day at Milbourne High School as a woodwind tech for their marching band. But, I mentioned that before. I quickly checked the time. 6:28 am. I had to be up at 7:30. Shit. My body was craving more sleep. I wasn't going to grant it, though. I had maybe gotten an hour of sleep that entire night, which wasn't a total loss. With a tremendous sigh, I threw the covers off of me and stood. This fucking sucked. Having to work.
I walked to the kitchen and made myself something small to eat. I ate it while I stood at the kitchen sink, looking out the window at the sunrise. There was no motion coming from the inside of anyone's apartment. This proved that I was up too early.
The sun had risen by this point and it was 7:03 am. I walked back to my room and decided to take a shower.

It wasn't until about 8:07 that I left the house. I had left the house wearing close to nothing. Nothing meaning shorts that were questionably short and a tank top with a sports bra. But, what can I say? It's hot outside.
I drove to Milbourne Middle School football stadium and parked in the staff parking lot which surrounded it, a long with some other techs. I got out and was greeted with a hand on my back. "Hey! You must be Julie Damon. I'm Andrew Reading. I'm the head brass tech. Welcome." He said and we walked inside. There were so many kids, my god...
I started having flashbacks to when I was in band...


My phone went off on the field, which embarrassed me at first, but then I realized that I was able to use my phone and these kids weren't. I took out my phone and walked through the kids, who were in lines. I had 4 messages. One from my mom, two from jake, and one from Mark.
The ones from jake were all i miss you and stuff. But, the one from Mark...
So, I have something I want to ask you, but it has to be in person. When can I see you?

I replied with '11:35 am. Meet for lunch?'


11:28... Tick tock.
The day was going by slower than possible. I thanked god that it was at least 11:28. The director yelled, "One more time!" In return, I yelled at the kids to run back to set. They were learning pre-game.
Could this damn director run rehearsal any slower? Maybe ending it five minutes early? Teaching kids all day was getting old. I just wanted to see mark.
"Bring it in!" the director shouted from the press box of the football field that we were practicing on. The kids cheered and ran to greet the director at the base of the field in the center. On the large M on the 50 yard line.


"Julie," Mark said, smiling at me. He pulled me into a big hug. I gladly hugged him back. Even though I was sweaty, I didnt care. He smelled delightful, which was a huge contrast to my 'I smell like a football team' smell.
Mark chuckled, "you smell like a football team."
I laughed, not because it was funny, but because I had just thought that prior to him saying anything about it.
"Thanks. I've been on a field all morning, sweating my balls off for money." I say. He laughs.
"That sounds dirty! Like you're some prostitute or something," he smirked ever so slightly. It made my stomach twist. Twist in the happiest way possible. Not to change the subject quickly or anything, we were at panera waiting for our food. Stood along the wall, looking anxiously at the food as it was prepared in front of us. I, for one, was absolutely starving. By the way Mark looked at the food before him that wasnt his, I could tell that he was hungry as well. I decided to bring up the question that he wants to ask me.

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