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Mark snored softly into the pillow as I laid there, looking up at the ceiling. I couldn't sleep so I just thought and thought... Hm, what time is it? I looked over at the digital clock on the dresser. 2:58 am. Dammit, I needed sleep. I'd been having too many of these restless nights recently. I didn't know why I couldn't sleep. Maybe it was because of the email from UC that I refused to open while Mark was awake. I decided that I'd read it the next day. I took a few deep breaths to calm myself. Then, I started thinking about Jake. My mind began to come up with bizarre scenarios. What if he wasn't actually dead? Would I be cheating on him?
I couldn't bear to think about it.
Mark had moved his head to the side to face me. He was snoring, which made me giggle. I sat up slowly and grabbed my phone, which had my headphones attached to it. I put them in and looked through my music. I put on my a playlist and turned it down as not to wake him.
God, it's hot in here... Maybe it would be cooler outside, I thought. Slowly, I got out of bed and walked to the sliding doors that lead to the balcony. I opened the doors and stepped outside, the cold rush of air blew my hair out of my face. I quickly shut the door and walked to the railing. I leaned over it and looked at the city, which never slept. It was 3 am and people still littered the sidewalks, walking quickly to get to their next destination. I felt stuck; I couldn't go to my next destination. He was lying in the bed, sleeping soundly.
I tore my eyes away from the city and focused my attention on my phone, which vibrated. It was just a text from one of my friends back in LA. It was only midnight where he was. The text did hold bad news, though. His mom died and he was inviting me to her funeral. I'd have to get back to him..
That made me think about this stupid balcony. I'd always received bad news on this balcony. This stupid fucking balcony.
After i made a memo in my phone, I looked out at the city again. I was shivering at this point because it was quite cold up here. We were on the twenty-some floor. The wind was kind of obnoxious. I decided to go back inside and take a hot bath.
I opened the door and shut it as quietly as I could. Mark was still lying in bed, as peaceful as ever. I walked to my toiletries bag and grabbed some bubble bath and then walked to mark's bag. I looked through his clothes and grabbed a pair of his boxers and a t-shirt. I hoped he wouldn't mind.
I walked to the bathroom, with my materials in hand, and turned the light on. I shut the door and turned on the hot water. I uncapped the bubble bath and poured it into the bathtub. Bubbles began forming immediately. I smiled, thinking about when I used to take baths as a child. The bubbles were my favorite part.
Undressing, I turned the water off once the tub got about halfway full. I put my hair up in a very messy bun and stepped in, sitting down. I let the hot water relax my muscles and I found myself accidentally falling asleep in the tub.

Mark's POV

I woke up from a nightmare and breathed heavily. I searched the bed for Julie and couldn't find her. She was my go-to for comfort when I had a nightmare. She wasn't there. She was gone.
Was that just a dream? She wasn't actually here with me. It was too good to be true; to get the one you once loved back. I fought back the tears that stung my eyes. I had left my glasses on from the previous night. They were slightly bent, which made me increasingly mad. I sat up and looked around. I couldn't see much, my glasses foggy. Mentally cursing myself for thinking such thoughts about Julie, I got up and stumbled to the bathroom, half asleep.
The light was on when I opened the door, which blinded me. I winced at the sudden brightness and became confused. Had I left the light on?
I shielded my eyes and looked around. It smelled like lavender... My eyes fell upon the bathtub that had a girl in it. The bubbles in the bath covered her body. I jumped from shock and nearly fell. I took another look at this girl and I realized that it was Julie. She was here! I wasn't dreaming. I knew it was real...
But, why is she up? It was 4:30 in the morning. I took another look at her. She hadn't made any response to me because she had her eyes closed. Was she asleep or... Oh god.
"Julie..?" I said, lightly shaking her arm. She was cold, and so was the water. How long had she been in here?
"Julie?" I repeated, louder. No response. Fuck. She can't be...
I started shaking her, trying to get her to wake up. She started hitting my arms. I relaxed and stopped shaking her, "what the fuck?!" She said, opening her eyes.
"Julie! I'm so glad you're awake!" I said, taking two deep breaths.
"Did I seriously fall asleep in here... What time is it?" She asked, looking around frantically.
"Sh.. Calm down... It's 4:30 in the morning," I said calmly.
"Shit. I'm a fucking prune... I've been in here for an hour and a half..." She yawned and sat up.
"Well... While we're both awake... Want to hop in with me?" She asked.
I nearly choked when she said that, "A-Are you sure?"
She nodded, "come on, live a little,"

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