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Four Years Later...

Graduation again. Except this time, there would be no embarrassing party, no stupid dress, no Mark. Instead, I had Jake. Jake and I met my sophomore year at Berklee. He was in the army, which he still is in...

I like our names... Julie and Jake, or J&J as our friends called us.

As I walked up the aisle for the second time, I thanked God that I wouldn't have to do this again.

"Julie Damon"

I jogged happily up to receive my diploma. I grabbed it and held it up, facing my family. They snapped a picture. But, what caught my eye is jake holding up two phones, mine and his. He must have been recording me, because he was grinning, teeth and all.

I rolled my eyes and walked back to my seat, smiling. I was finally done with school... At least, I hoped.

Four Months Later...

I had finally brought in my last box. My god, I was exhausted. I flopped onto my brand new leather couch. It was very... Squishy. But super comfortable.

My phone rang in my pocket very loudly, which scared the absolute crap out of me. I took my phone out of my pocket and grinned when I saw who was calling; Jake.

"Baby!" I said, grinning, as I answered the phone.

"Hey, babe." I could hear the smile in his voice. "How's my new graduate?"

I scoffed, "busy. But I'm not technically a new graduate. I've been done for nearly 5 months, babe."

He laughed lightly, "don't you have a job already?"

"Yeah," I paused, thinking about my new job, "it's a job as a tech with the marching band. It pays well but it's only a seasonal job, honey. I'll have to find something else.." I started to make myself sad...

"Hey, it's ok. You'll find something. Just save, save, save. I have to go now. I'll be back by January, okay?" He said. Jake was on his way to Iraq and I was scared to death.

"O-okay baby... I love you. I'll miss you so much. Come back, ok?" I said, my voice starting to break.

"Hey, hey. Don't cry now. I can't cry on a plane. I'm a man." He never fails to make me smile. I laughed softly with tears in my eyes.

"I'll see you in January..." I say with a pause, "bye.." He says his goodbye and hangs up.

I sniffled and sat up. I needed some major cheering up. I stood and walked to my laptop, which was on my new breakfast bar. I opened it and logged on, hoping to God that my wifi was working. I successfully accessed the internet, praise! I got on YouTube and logged in. I had made my own YouTube channel late my freshman year in college, but I haven't posted much. I post maybe once a month... I thought to myself that I'd post more.

Hoping to be cheered up, I looked through my subscription box; nothing interested me. I then looked through the 'Recommended for You' box and saw many familiar names such as Pewdiepie, Achievement Hunter, & Roosterteeth. But, there was one new name in my box. It was Markiplier. The video was called Vlog | Markiplier answers questions!

I decided to be adventurous and click on it. What came on after I skipped the ad surprised me to no end.

The voice of this man, so deep and smooth... I could have sworn I knew it from somewhere... Then I actually took a good look at his face and realized... I knew him! Holy shit!

I quickly googled Markiplier in another tab and clicked on Wikipedia.

It said that his name was a Mark Fischbach.... Fischbach! I knew it! Its Mark!

My stomach started churning, and I couldn't tell if it was good or bad. I had to text him!

I got out my phone and texted him while listening to the video.

"Hi, Mark! It's Julie. I hope you remember me.. I stumbled across your YouTube channel & I couldn't believe that it was you. I'm back in Ohio and I would love to catch up with you..."

I pressed send and anxiously waited for his reply. I started actually watching the video. He said that he was studying biomedical engineering at the university. I smiled to myself at the fact that he still went to UC & continued what he wanted to pursue.

A few moments later, my phone beeped. It was him. I picked up my phone and read the message.

Hey! It's been awhile, Julie. We should get together sometime and talk.

Thank god... He's not totally mad at me. I replied.

How about today? Around 6?

Sure! Sounds good. I'm making and uploading a video right now but I'll pick you up?

I sent him my address and smiled to myself. He was making a video, that's cute.

I looked at the time on my phone and saw that it was 4 already. I sighed and decided to take a short nap.

Ding dong!

I shot awake to the sound of my doorbell. My eyes shot to the clock. 5:55. Fuck! I jumped up and ran to the door, out of breath. I quickly opened the door and was taken aback by who was standing there. I had to look up at least 8 inches above my head to see his face. I'm only 5'4"... He had to be 5'11", easily. I felt so tiny standing near him. My eyes travelled down his body, from the tip of his hair, down his sculpted face... I went down his muscular arms... Damn, those are good on the eyes. Then my eyes travelled down to his legs, and you guessed it, my eyes didn't have to travel far down to reach the bottom of his torso and his belt...

"Hey, Julie!" He said, making me jump. He didn't give me time to say anything and pulled me into a very tight bear hug. My face was pressed firmly against his chest, which wasn't too soft. I laughed slightly and hugged him back with not even a tenth of the strength that he had.

He released some of his pressure, keeping me in a hug. I took this as an opportunity to move my head to a more comfortable position. I knew he wanted to kiss my forehead because this is exactly what he used to do when he was about to kiss me on my face or anywhere on my head. He pulled away, releasing me, saying, "you ready to go?"

I chuckled nervously, "honestly, no. I just woke up from my nap, which I planned it to be much shorter and-" he stopped me by putting his hand gently over my mouth.

"Shush, you ramble too much. I understand." He smiles at me widely and waves me to go get ready. I nod and walk away to my room, cussing myself out quietly. I shut my door and change into something semi-decent. I chose a mid-thigh length dress, which was probably a bit too over dressy, considering mark was wearing a black shirt and khakis. I braided my hair and walked out and back to him.

He smiled when he saw me. He also chuckled.

"Why are you laughing?" I demanded.

"Your dress." He said, still chuckling.

"What about it?" I said, trying to calm myself, because I knew he was kidding.

"It's pretty, which is why I'm laughing. You never used to wear anything dressy." He kept chuckling. He was telling the truth, though. I never wore anything dressy. I always wore pants and shorts. Never any dressy shirts or anything.

"Well, my dear, if you're ready, then let's go." He said, holding out his hand, just like he used to.

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