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That night, not a lot of sleeping actually went on in our bed. No, we didn't have sex. What we did do was have a two hour long discussion about what we did wrong in high school. I know that's cheesy and lame, but it was a good idea.
But, hey, there was some kissing going on.

The next morning, I awoke to the sun shining directly in my eyes. I covered my eyes and groaned. I hated the stupid sun. I made an attempt to get out of bed, but couldn't. I looked down to see why it was that I couldn't get up. Marks arms were wrapped around my stomach, holding me close to his body.
I rolled over to face him and he adjusted his arms on my back.
I looked up at his sleeping face and saw that he forgot to take his glasses off. I laughed quietly and removed them. I put them on my face and immediately regretted my decision. Mark was blind. His glasses gave me a headache.
I was reaching up to take them off when Mark opened his eyes and looked at me. He smiled sleepily at me and said, "Mm, good morning..." His voice was much deeper and hoarse than his normal voice.
I almost giggled and said, "Good morning, darling."
He looked at me with his eyes half open and said, "why do those glasses look like mine?"
I smiled, "They are yours. You slept with them on last night and I put them on." He smiled at me and rolled his eyes. I moved to get up but he tightened his grip on my waist. I looked down at him and asked, "and why won't you let me go?"
He chuckled, "because you have my glasses."
"So, I'm not going to let you go until I get what's rightfully mine."
I chuckled and took his glasses off and put them on his face. He smiled and I made another attempt to get up. He only tightened his grip on me again.
"What? I gave you your glasses. What else do you want?" I asked.
"I said that I wanted what's rightfully mine. That's you," he said. I opened my mouth in realization. He continued, "granted, I have you. But before I can let you go, I want one thing," he pulled me closer to him and kissed me gently. We only kissed for maybe a minute or two, but it felt like fifteen seconds. It was too short.
I pulled away first and looked at him. He opened his eyes and looked back at me, smiling. I tried to get up again, which he released me with a pouty face. I laughed lightly and got up, walking to the dresser that was in the room. I bent over and opened the drawer, picking out underwear. I turned around and looked at him, "I'm going to take a shower, babe."
He nodded, but had a certain look on his face. I wasn't sure what the look on his face was, but it looked like he wanted something.

After my shower, that I probably took too long in- hell, it's a hotel, I put the towel around my body and twisted my hair, then put them in side buns to make my hair curl without using heat. I put my underwear on (which was one of my better pairs of underwear and a nice bra) and walked out into the bedroom, totally forgetting to put the towel around myself.
As soon as I opened the door, Mark looked at me and his eyes widened.I gave him a confused look. He said, "Y-You look... Um..."
I looked down and shrugged. I could say the same about him. He was shirtless and in pajama pants. He'd seen me in a bra and pajama pants, but not just underwear, a couple of times. When we were dating the first time. The weird thing was that he was actually nervous. I had nothing to hide. I may have been a tad self conscious about my body, have a few small scars here and there, but I was kind of proud of my body. Im human. Flaws and all.
"Why are you nervous..? You've seen me practically like this a few times." I said.
He looked me up and down and said, "yes, but it's like... It's different. We were seventeen and immature. Now we're twenty three and both of our bodies have changed... I mean, christ, you were beautiful, but now you're stunning."
I looked down and felt the blood rush to my cheeks. I tried to hide my face as much as possible. I could feel his eyes on me as I stood in the doorway.
The sole fact that he was nervous made me just the slightest bit nervous. But, like I said, I was comfortable with him seeing my body. It had only improved.
My only insecurity was my breasts. I absolutely hated them. Not because they were small, but because they were too big for my taste. My goal size was a 42 B or C, but I'm at a 42 DD, which is not proportional to my medium sized body. I guess you could say that I just hated the fact that my body wasn't proportionate. Enough about my dislikes about proportion...
Mark used the word stunning to describe me. Stunning.
He always reassured me that I was beautiful, even now, but beautiful was the strongest adjective he used besides gorgeous, which are the same to me. I had always had doubts as to whether or not he was actually serious about calling me beautiful, but I found out today that I was indeed a stunning girl in his mind. He didn't turn away in disgust or hatred when I came out in hardly any clothing. He also didn't jump on me like some sex-crazed maniac. I would take the staring, which was still going on, over even one ounce of disgust for me.
Then, he started to chuckle. Oh god, is he making fun of my body? That was the only thought that raced through my mind.
"Those side buns... Why?" He asked, laughing.
Thank god. "It's so my hair can curl, asshole!" I said, pouting.
He laughed again, "you look like Princess Leia and that makes me happy."
I couldn't help but smile as he got up and walked to me, pulling me into his arms for a hug. I instinctively buried my face into his chest. He laid his chin on the top of my head, but jerked back, "ew! Your hair is wet!"
I giggled into his chest and looked up at him. He was making a disgusted face at me. "Whaaat?" I whined.
"Your hair is wettt..." He whined back, mocking me. Then he pouted, which made me laugh.
I shrugged, "not my problem. You chose this life."
He rolled his eyes, "no, I think it chose me."
He always knew how to make me smile, because I was smiling like an idiot. He looked into my eyes and leaned down slowly...
Knock, knock, knock!
There goes that moment.
He looked down with an exceptionally annoyed look on his face. I gave him an apologetic look and started to walk to the door. Mark grabbed my wrist. "you're not going to that door. I don't want anyone seeing you like this. Only I can."
I looked down and nodded, trying not to be surprised at what he said, "oh shit... You're right..."
He chuckled and put his hand briefly on my cheek as he walked past me to the door. He waved me to move from the doors line of sight. I walked back to the bathroom.
The door opened and I listened closely to the conversation.
"Hey. We have to tell you that there's a change in the schedule." A voice said. I thought it was Wade's.
"Okay," Mark said.
"You're going on last instead of first... And, since everyone really seemed to like Julie at the panel yesterday, it's going to be centered around her. I hope that's okay."
"Yeah, it's fine. Thanks for letting me know." He said and the door shut. I quickly moved in front of the sink and started getting out my makeup, so it didn't look like I had been listening the entire time. I took out my foundation as Mark came around the corner and leaned on the bathroom door frame. "So, if you were listening... You were. I know you," he smiles and continues, "you're going to be doing most of the talking this evening."
I swallowed nervously at the thought.
"How many people...?"
My heart dropped. I'd never been in front of so many people basically alone before. Mark was there but, according to the schedule, he wouldn't hardly speak. Yesterday, there was only about 300 because the weather was terrible. It was still pretty bad, but I expected the number to rise.
"Are you upset?" I asked.
"No, why would you think I was mad?"
"I took it from you."
"Took what?"
"The... Spotlight," I said, for a lack of a better word.
"You didn't. Besides, you deserve this." He said with a small smile. It was a genuine Mark smile, though it was small.
I swallowed.
I deserved to crawl into bed and sleep forever.
I knew that I didn't have it in me to do this, so why was I accepting the fact that I would have to?
With a sigh, I fixed my hair and got dressed, not saying one word to mark.

The Past Present - A Markiplier FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now