Chapter 37

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The elevator lifted the NCIS team up to their squad room on the second floor. Loki shifted his backpack and bit the inside of his lip to restrain his smile as he stared at the back of Bishop's head as she stood in front of him, McGhee, and Tony. Gibbs stood next to her.

After Loki and Bishop had photographed, bagged, and tagged the evidence found on the roof, they had moved over to the edge of the roof and Bishop had glanced down uncertainly.

"So, I suppose the only way down is the way we came up?"

Loki had nodded, keeping his expression solemn. "Unless you want to jump and break your legs, darling."

Bishop had scowled, avoiding his gaze. "Although that option sounds a much better alternative than you, I suppose we better hurry." And with that, she started to loop her arms around his neck.

"You'll warm up to me, Bishop," Loki had promised, scooping her up off the ground. Bishop had gasped as she suddenly found herself held in his arms, something she apparently hadn't expected.

"What are you doing?" she had exclaimed, casting her gaze away from Loki purposefully. Loki had just smiled, noting her blush.

"Carrying you, darling."

"I thought we were going down the way we came up."

"The shock of the landing would injure you. This is safer."

Loki held Bishop securely as she gripped him tightly, her backpack looped over her arm. Carefully, Loki had leapt off of the roof and landed lightly on the ground, glancing up with a slight grin on his face.

The grin had faded as he came face to face with Gibbs.

All the blood had drained from Bishop's face and Loki felt himself at a loss for words. Gibbs had just looked at them, one eyebrow raised questioningly.

"This isn't how it looks," Bishop had rushed. "Loki, put me down!"

Loki had, keeping his eyes on Gibbs. "We had to examine the roof, and the only way to get her up and down was to hold her. It's all work-related."

"Did I ask?" Gibbs had queried.

"No, Boss."

"Then let's get the evidence into the van and get back to the Yard."

The elevator door slid open as they reached their floor, shaking Loki out of his reminiscing. A slight pain struck him, and he placed his hand to his head as it passed quickly.

McGhee, Gibbs, and Bishop left the elevator ahead of Tony and Loki. Loki spun to face DiNozzo, for he had a question.

"What did Abby tell you?" he hissed.

It took DiNozzo a second to realize what Loki was asking about, and then he grinned, his eyes sparkling mischievously. "Oh, just that Bishop hates you and you don't like that, and that you secretly like her."

"I do not!"

Tony lifted an eyebrow. "Keep telling yourself that, Loki."

The two agents stepped off the elevator just as Abby came careening around the corner, her lab coat and black pigtails flying out behind her as she made a beeline for Gibbs.

"Gibbs, Gibbs, Gibbs, Gibbs, Gibbs!" she said all in a rush. She grabbed his arm and yanked him along after her to the elevator.

Gibbs hurried along with Abby. "Bishop, Loki, with me!" he called. "Tony, McGhee, find out what ETCD stands for."

"On it, Boss!" Tony said, sliding into his desk as Bishop and Loki hurried after Abby.

Once in the lab, Abby let go of Gibbs and hurried to her computer. Placing her hands on either side of the keyboard, she turned around to face the three agents.

Special Agent Loki LaufeysonWhere stories live. Discover now