Chapter I

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My name is Sam Golbach, I grew up in Kansas and I have dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. It was a typical Sunday night, and everyone was asleep or eating. I was getting ready to record a video when Colby entered my room looking worried.

"Colby? Is everything okay?" I asked.

"No, Sam, look out the window," curiously I walked over to my window and looked outside. The minute I did, I gasped as I saw three government cars. I was confused and looked over at Colby waiting for an explanation.

"What's going on? Why are there government agents outside?"

"You know how they've been going to peoples houses and kidnapping them?"


"They've come to get us." he said  "You have to go and hide on the roof," he continued "They won't check there."

"But what about you and our friends?"

"No, too risky even for both of us," he replied "If we're lucky then one of us will escape,"

"What about the helicopters?"

"If you stay out of their lights; you'll be safe, now go, hurry!" says Colby. I raced over to my closet and grabbed a backpack, I set the backpack on my bed and began to pack; I packed clothes, shoes, and food. After I finished, Colby and I entered the hallway where a ladder stood underneath the door to the roof. I shouldered my backpack and started climbing, once I got onto the roof; I looked down at Colby as he put the ladder in one of our storage rooms. As he did, I heard the front doors bust open. I looked at my best friend taking in every last detail of his features and the memories we've had. I wasn't sure how long it would be until it was safe to come back. I thought about how I was going to escape this country, the only other country I thought about was Great Britain. To get to Great Britain I would have to find a way to the country without getting caught.

Maybe Britain was the safest place to be right now; ever since the american government became corrupted. So far the government has taken everyone from their homes and I had a thought that the government was probably trying to control everyone's minds. I stayed hidden from sight hoping that I could wait out this invasion, as I waited I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. Pulling it out, I saw that Colby was contacting me. Hitting the answer button, I put the phone to my ear and covered my mouth as if someone would hear me breathing.

Colby: Why did you break into our house?

Officer: You already know. You must be Colby Brock, am I correct?

Colby: Y... yes, sir.

Officer: We captured your friends downstairs, but we're missing one other person.

Colby: No, sir, I'm sure you have everyone.

Officer: Oh, really? Well, where's your friend Sam Golbach?

Colby: I don't know sir, he moved out.

Officer: then you don't mind if I check his room? If he moved out, then all his stuff should be gone.

Colby: Or, he might have escaped and the government had missed him.

Officer: That may be the case Colby, but there's no escaping this country, we covered every exit from the train station to the planes. The only way to escape is by going on the RMS Queen Mary, as she travels to the United Kingdom. He won't be able to leave without a ticket.

When I heard that the RMS Queen Mary was setting sail once again, I knew that I could escape on that ship as a stowaway. I think I could make it, but I just had to find the right time to escape, get to Britain; and find a way to save everyone. I tried to listen into the conversation, but I could no longer hear because the phone call had ended. To escape this country I had to be inconspicuous, I couldn't draw attention to myself. That's when I realized the government could easily track my cellphone, I decided that It would have probably been a good idea to leave my phone here.

Overhead I could hear a helicopter moving around the house. Carefully but quietly I peeked from my hiding spot and saw the helicopter lights circling the roof. My eyes widen as I scrunched closer to the corner as the light got closer. I couldn't stay in one place as sooner or later I'd be discovered then there would be no one to save. Carefully I got up from my hiding spot and ran. No doubt the people from the helicopter would see a black mass running, when I noticed the light I ducked out of sight as it passed by.

Running to the edge of the roof I searched for a way down, turning to my right I saw a tree sturdy enough for me to climb down. As I was about to grab the branch, I was suddenly blinded by a bright light, turning my head up; I saw the helicopter hovering over me.

"Stay where you are!" called a person from the door "You will come with us peacefully, Sam Golbach!"

"Go, fuck yourself!" I called and jumped onto the tree and started climbing down, as I did I heard someone speak into the radio.

"Sam Golbach is on the move! I repeat! He's on the move!"

I climbed as fast as I could possibly climb and as I got down onto the solid ground, I heard agents coming after me their feet hitting the grass with a bunch of rustles. I was so close to freedom, instinct told me to run, so I ran and jumped the fence. As I did, I felt a wire hook onto my pant leg, breaking free I could feel warm blood trickle down my leg. I forced myself to continue running until I could find a place to hide. Facing forward, I pushed on my breath, catching with each moment. My feet were screaming, telling me to stop running, but instinct told me to keep going. Finally, I found myself in the city; the building lights blinding me. I didn't know where I was in the city or how long I had been running. Ducking into a dark alleyway, I hid behind a dumpster, the smells so revolting that I had to hold my breath.

My heart pounded, and I was panting from running, and as I was out of breath; I heard footfalls in the alleyway in which I was hiding. I covered my mouth and I had to stay silent so that I wouldn't draw attention to myself.

"Where is he?!" I heard someone say; it was a deep voice with a Californian accent.

"We were chasing after him!" says another person whose voice was female.

"Well if we can't find him then we need to send out a wanted Ad throughout the country." says the female "He couldn't have gone that far," she continued "Come on, let's go and tell the commander." with that last word, the two agents who were after me left. Uncovering my mouth, I sighed in relief, I waited to make sure I was safe.

I had changed into a different outfit since the knew what I was wearing. Taking off my backpack, I opened it pulled out a plain white shirt with a pair of black ripped pants and a black beanie, which could should hide me long enough to sneak onto the Queen Mary before her departure. Undressing, I changed clothes and put my old ones in the bag. I then put on the black beanie and a pair of black pants. I had hopes that I could blend in. After about thirty minutes, I left the alley and looked around for anyone who was hiding. When I saw no one, I started on my journey to the Queen Mary.


Disclaimer: I just finished reading this book called "Once and Future" by Amy Rose Capetta and Cori McCarthy. And it involved King Arthur, while King Arthur is just a legend, I thought that it would be a great idea to turn King Arthur into fanfiction and since I have been making fanfiction of Sam and Colby, I thought it would be best to write fanfiction about Sam Golbach. Hope you guys enjoy!

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