Chapter XIV

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Sam's POV

I asked my friends to stand in a circle so I could teleport us back to California as I raised the sword above my head, I suddenly felt pain going through my entire body, dropping Excalibur I groaned in pain as I collapsed onto my knees. Around me I could hear my friends and Kat cry out.

"Sam!" I heard Colby say as he leaned down next to me and put his hand on my shoulder. "What's wrong?" Kat was next to me immediately as I could hear her panic and cry. I waited until the pain subsided and sighed in relief. Colby and Kat looked at me while the rest of the trap house was waiting for an answer.

"Morgana, she's here and she brought help, we need to get ready for a fight!"

"Are we even ready?!" cried Kat.

"We have to be," says Colby. I stood back up and took a deep breath.

"Guys, we are ready, I've seen all of you, especially you Corey, you're not even afraid to pick up a sword, you seem to be a new man. Elton, even though your still new to magic, you did well when you trained, everyone else especially you Colby and you Kat, we're all ready, this is what we're trained for"

"Your right Sam," says Colby

"We'll stay by your side Sam forever," says Jake.

"Devyn and I are by your side," Says Kat, I began to smile as Devyn, Jake, Kat and Colby step behind me.

"I'm in," says Corey as he stepped behind me.

"You can count on me," says Aaron confidently stepping up behind me.

"I know that I'm not the best at magic, but now I know I can be confident and I can help you win this war."

Elton came up behind me and smiled they were all by my side. The enemy won't stand a chance, it doesn't matter what they'd throw at us, all I can say is that together, as one we will be victorious. Kat, my friends and I stand our ground keeping our weapons by our sides. I could hear the enemy approaching, they were starting to get closer pretty soon they will be here and then war would break out. I looked around the field in which we were having a final stand. This was the only way to stop the enemy, it was the only way to bring peace to our country. Now with our confidence and the fact that we were united as a team said it all. Eventually, Eve approached backed by maybe double the amount of agents, I worried that we'd be out numbered but then I remembered that we had Elton he could take practically half the agents out.

"Hello Eve," I said glaring at her.

"Hello once again Samuel Golbach, I see you look slightly different, even if you helped train your friends and your little girlfriend," Kat started stepping forward but I had to stop her so she wouldn't try to attack because that was what Eve wanted, to get us angry so she would find our weak spots.

"What's your point,"

"Surrender or there will be consequences,"

"Your treading on dangerous ground Eve and to answer your question, I will not surrender,"

"Then deal with war," says Eve as she raised her fingers in the air and snapped, suddenly the enemy launched its full attack, causing us to counterattack, my team and I ran forward and began to fight them hoping that we would win. I was too distracted on my enemy that I didn't notice Morgana approach, the next thing I knew I felt a force of some kind push me back making me fly through the air and hit the wall. Once my back hit the wall, I groaned in pain just as Excalibur slipped out of my hands.

"tsk, tsk, tsk dear brother I'm shocked that you didn't sense me coming after you," says Morgana. I weakly sat up and winced in pain.

"Morgana! Your beginning to annoy me,"

"And you Sam are going to die and I will make sure that you and Arthur are no more!" Morgana raised her hand in the air and spoke an incantation the minute she did a magical sword appeared in her hand. Standing up, I grabbed my own sword and got ready to fight Morgana, the magical sword in Morgana's hand was shiny and shimmering. It was see through but it didn't look anything like a real sword. Morgana immediately swung her sword trying to cut my stomach, I jumped back and began to fight back. I fell onto the ground and as I did, she started bringing the sword down on my neck. I quickly rolled out of her way and stood back up. I had to get her alone so I could find her weakness. I turned and started running, which was probably making me look ridiculous.

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