Chapter VI

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Previously on "The Sword"

Sam had already pulled out Excalibur from the rock in the forest. He had gone to Amelia and Mark's houses in which they had offered him to stay the night. Throughout his visit, Sam had been looking at a book when he started hearing Amelia and Mark talk about him. Later that night, he had turned on the news to see what was happening, and the story was interrupted by a woman with blonde hair and orange eyes on a camera. From there Sam discovered that she was holding his friend Colby and his girlfriend hostage. Sam reluctantly agrees to go to the castle and train with a royal swordsman.

And now, back to the story.


I had agreed with Amelia and Mark that I would go to the castle and train with a royal swordsman. Looking at the sword in the corner of the living room, I sighed. It's fine steel shining in the translucent lighting; without hesitation, I decided not to argue with Amelia and Mark. I knew that even if I tried, they would still find ways to get me to go to the castle.

"I'm just going to head to bed now if you don't mind," I said to them. Though I didn't have a room in the house, I chose to sleep on the couch. "Where's your bathroom?"

"It's just down the hall and to the right," says Amelia. I nodded my head and grabbed the backpack that I had forgotten was on my back. Setting the bag on the floor, I pulled out a pair of sweatpants and made my way to the bathroom. The Hallway was narrow and kind of dark. Flicking on the light switch, I walked down the hall and found the bathroom, entering the bathroom I shut the door. The bathroom was small, and the mirror wasn't that big, I pulled off my uncomfortable pair of pants and pulled on my soft XPLR sweatpants. I then took off my shirt and made my way back into the living room. Mark had already retired, and Amelia was sitting at the kitchen table on her computer; Yawning, I laid down on the soft "L" couch and fell asleep.

There was chaos; around me, I could hear fights weapons were clashing. It was midday, and there was a battle that was going on. Panic rose throughout me, and I could see a familiar threat. Cries of pain and suffering were hitting my ears like a wave crashing onto the shore. I got closer to a bridge that had people fighting. Confusion swept through, I felt like I had lived like this before; but I had never been in a war. The sword I saw was none other than Excalibur; this life, everything seemed familiar to me. On the bridge, two people were fighting together, one with Excalibur and the other with a shield and hair the same color as Colby's.

I stayed on the bridge and watched as the enemy pulled the helmet off the soldier who fought with Excalibur. The helmet crashed onto the ground, and the guy fell, the guy stood up, and once he stood up, I could see his face. I backtracked a little bit because he had the same eyes and the same hair color as me. He was King Arthur!

The soldier that was fighting alongside Arthur stabbed the enemy in the gut, killing him then he turned to Arthur and helped him up.

"Arthur!" he said. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, thank you, Lancelot," said Arthur. Lancelot had taken off his helmet, and the minute he did, I saw who he was. He looked precisely like Colby. Quickly going out onto the battlefield, I tried to look for others. I found a few, a knight named Gawain who looked like Corey, a person named Percival who looked like Jake and a knight who looked precisely like Aaron.

In the real world, I bolted awake, sweat dripping from all parts of my body. My heart was beating fast, and I had to blink multiple times to make sure that I was back. I had had a dream, in the idea, I could see my friends and my girlfriend; only, my friends were knights. But what about Katrina?

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