Chapter XV

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Previously in "The Sword"

Sam was tossed against a wall by Morgana who not only hated Sam but also hated her brother Arthur, Sam was the reincarnation of King Arthur so therefore, Morgana went after him. Sam and Morgana were in a heated fight but Sam had to think of a way to defeat Morgana.


No one's POV

Morgana and Sam face off sword combat, but Sam was starting to be overpowered by Morgana. Who knew that two magical swords might put up such a fight? Sam was sweating from his head down and was slowly starting to weaken. Though while he thought that he was starting to lose steam his friend Colby stepped in and began to help fight Morgana, as Sam was practically on his knees. With Colby's strength it doubled Sam's willpower to go on. Sam smiled as he and Colby fought side by side.

"Colby! Get out of the way!" says Morgana in anger as she continued to fight slowly starting to lose strength.

"No, if you fight Sam, then you fight me!" with Morgana outnumbered two to one she began to weaken even more.

"Sam! Kill Morgana!" demanded Arthur.

"No! I won't do it!" says Sam. Finally, after what seemed like a long fight Sam and Colby were now pressing down hard on Morgana and just in time too because Elton appeared and used his magic on Morgana making sure to take away her powers. While Sam and the rest of the Trap house believed they had won, Sam heard Kat scream. Quickly turning around, Sam saw Eve dragging Kat into the castle.

"Sam! Help!" cries Kat.

"Colby! Elton! watch Morgana and the rest of her army. I have to go save Kat!"

"You're not seriously planning to do this alone are you Sam?" asks Colby.

"Yes, I have to, Eve has Kat and if I go after her with a group, then she'd kill Kat on the spot,"

"Sam, it's a lose lose situation, Eve will kill Kat either way," says Elton.

"Elton, pray to god your wrong, I can't lose Kat," replies Sam. Colby and Elton looked at each other it seemed that they couldn't argue with him because Sam was just going to continuously do it no matter how many times, they told him. Looking back at Sam, Colby and Elton nodded their heads. Afterwards, Sam took off after Eve and Kat hoping to save Kat before it was too late.

Sam's POV

I raced into the castle of Camelot running by many architectural walls that symbolized the year in which Camelot was born. Along the walls were tons of portraits of the Gods and soldiers that were embedded in centuries old stone. The castle's archways too, were old and goth like.

"Kat!" I called out worried that Eve had already done something to her.

"Sam!" called Kat, her voice came from the left of me so I turned down the hall that I heard Kat scream. Eve was already making me even angrier. How dare she try and hurt my friends and my girlfriend! How dare she and her entire corporation try to mind control everyone! After a while of running I came to a stop and in front of me near the edge of the mountain stood Eve who had put a dagger to Kat's neck, I reached down and unsheathed Excalibur from its Scabbard.

"tsk, tsk, tsk, Sam, you should put that sword away," says Eve with an evil laugh.

"Let Kat go, then maybe I will think about it," I reply.

"Sam don't!" cries Kat. Eve pressed hard on the knife I took a small step forward.

"Shut up bitch!"

"What do you want? Why don't you just try to fight me?!"

"Because what would the fun be in that but to see you suffer?" Keeping a tight grip on Kat I watched as Eve pulled out a syringe with a strange clear liquid and stabbed Kat in the stomach with it. I cry out and pull a dagger from my other scabbard that was tied on my upper left arm quickly aiming I tossed the dagger toward Eve causing it to hit her heart. Eve cries out in pain and lets Kat go, I run toward Kat as Eve fell over the cliff. Knowing that Eve was already dead, I picked Kat up bridal style and carried her back to our friends.

"Everything is going to be alright Kat," I said tears starting to form. "I'll find a way to save you,"

I walked to our friends and they turned and glanced at me. Worry flicked over their faces as they raced over to me and a weak Kat.

"What happened?" asks Corey.

"Eve, she injected something into Kat but I don't know what it is,"

"We have to go back to our time frame and try to find a way to help her Sam," says Colby "I'll carry her and you take us back to our time,"

"Okay," I said my voice shaking a little bit.

"Wait what about me!" says Morgana snapping me from my thoughts. I had forgotten about her, though I wasn't sure if I should leave her or bring her back.

"What about you?"

"Let me go back to our time with you, if you do, then I'll tell you what Eve injected into Kat," I looked at my friends with a look that said unsure.

"If you don't bring me back then Kat would surely die, I'm your only hope."

"Fine," I said with a sigh "But we're keeping you tied up. No way am I going to risk you escaping. Jake, Aaron grab Morgana and bring her to the circle,"

Jake and Aaron nodded their heads and walked over to Morgana, Jake and Aaron grabbed Morgana by the arm and dragged her to the circle. I stood in the center of the circle and pulled out Excalibur, raising the sword above my head I closed my eyes and concentrated. Around me I could see from my closed eyelids a bright light surrounding us. I didn't open my eyes until the light was gone. Once the light was gone, I opened my eyes and looked around. I knew immediately where we were. We were back home in the trap house, I politely took Kat and brought her up to my room, which was a small room with two paintings of a toucan and a giant mirror with photos on it. My bed was still a blue checkered blanket with a set of white pillows at the head of my bed. Next to it was my desk and computer where I used to edit videos. With Katrina weak I had laid her down on my bed and covered her with the blanket. Just as I did Jake and Aaron enter my room with Morgana still in their grasps. I glared daggers at Morgana and stood up walking toward her, frowning.

"Alright Morgana start talking, what did Eve inject into Kat and how do I heal her?"

"Wow straight to the point huh brother?"

"Just answer the question before I kill you myself,"

"Fine," says Morgana "Eve was working on a serum that could possible impregnate a girl without the use of a sperm, it's in the form of a liquid it's harmless she won't die she's just weak because the serum has already taken over."

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