Chapter II

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It was around three in the morning as I was starting to get closer to Long Island California. My feet were killing me, and everywhere around me, there was nothing but wanted Ads and said that whoever finds and turns me in, they would be heavily rewarded. A frown appeared on my face as I looked at each Ad. I couldn't stay in public for too long, so whenever I got tired, I had to hide in a dark alley. At times I would hear an agent somewhere in the crowd, and I had to pull my hat down over my eyes so that way they wouldn't recognize me. Finally, at daybreak, I arrived at the RMS Queen Mary.

The ship was a gift to Queen Mary in England from the Americans, before it was docked permanently in Long Island California, she was a cruise ship and took part in World War One and World War II. She brought soldiers to and from England, and now she was back to go on another voyage away from the United States. People were climbing on board and getting tickets; I entered the mass of people that flowed onto the ship. Once I was passed the ticket tender, I made my way straight to one of the unused storage rooms. The Storage room didn't have a handle on the other side, so no one was going to enter. Once I got to the storage room, I quickly ducked inside and shut the door behind me. I let out a sigh of relief as I thought I was safe.

Opening my bookbag, I pulled out a blanket and a flashlight. The flashlight was going to be my only source of light, and the book bag was going to be the only thing I had to a pillow. Sometime soon we were going to ship off, and if I can stay hidden long enough, I'll be able to make it to the United Kingdom without any problems. Eventually, the ship began to move, and though I was fighting to stay awake, I closed my eyes and fell fast asleep.


~Hours Later~

Hours later, I woke up to a sudden stop on the ship. Opening my eyes, I gathered up my stuff and put them back in the book bag. I then stood up and walked over to the door. Slowly I turned the screw that was on the door and pushed it open. Just as I did light shined in my face and from there, I knew that we were in another country. Closing the door behind me, I walked over to the railing and looked out I wasn't sure where we were, but I had to find someone who knew.

I looked around then noticed a couple taking a picture in front of the railing that I was standing in front of and made my way over hoping that they won't freak out and call the authorities. No doubt they might be on board this ship right now.

"Excuse me?" I said to the couple politely. They turned and looked at me, but as they did a spark of recognition seemed to cross over her face. "Are we in the United Kingdom right now?"

"Yes, everyone is starting to get off the ship. Why do you look familiar?" says the woman whose eyes seemed glazed over. I shook my head and smiled leisurely.

"Wait a minute!" says the woman. "Your Sam Golbach, aren't you? The one, the government, has been looking for."

"No," I say trying to find a way to change this woman's mind she had brown hair and grey eyes and I knew that if I stayed around long enough, the guards would surely recognize me.

"Marve! Tell the captain that he has a stowaway and it's Sam Golbach! Go, hurry!"

"That's my cue to run," I said, and as I turned, I saw two agents heading this way. I backed away then turned and ran as fast as I could; this was the only chance I got. If I got onto Great Britain's Soil, then the agents could not catch me. I prayed that I'd be safe and that wherever I'm going, I'll find answers as to how I could save my friends, family, and my country. I made it to the unloading docks and looked behind me. Yup, a male and a female agent were following me. I turned forward; I couldn't stop now because if I did, then that meant I would get captured. I jumped off the boat and onto the wooden docks.

Finally, I started running further inland. The more I ran, the more the agents got further and further away. I entered a small village in England and stopped in front of a tavern. Something inside of me said that there was something in here that I had to find. Ducking inside, I walked over to the counter. Around the tavern, there were men and women alike drinking or eating; some were even talking. Sitting down at the bar, a stout man sat a cup down and looked at me.

"Hello sir, what can I get you?" he asked.

"Can I get some water?" I answered. He nodded his head and grabbed a jar of water and poured it into the cup, then handed it to me. I gave him some money or pounds as the people of England called it from the RMS Queen Mary. Picking up the cup, I put it to my mouth and drank, allowing the refreshing feel of water pass down my throat.

"May I ask what this tavern is?" I said, looking at the man after I had placed the cup down.

"Why this is the Ye Olde Man and Scythe," Says the man as he looked at me, "What brings you here anyway?"

"I don't want to say it but, I'm here because I was being hunted by my government back in America. I heard that this is the only safe place for some Americans, is that right?"

"Sure, is but what's your name?"

"Oh, sorry, my name is Sam Golbach, nice to meet you."

"The YouTuber? Yes, I've heard of you my daughter Morgana loves watching your YouTube videos."

"Really? That's great I'm glad she loves them," I said, and the man went back to work. I sat at the counter, and on the other end, there were two people, a woman, and a man. The man and the woman were talking about something, so I listened a little closer pretending that I wasn't looking, the woman had red hair, and her skin was tan and next to her sat a man with black hair and green eyes.

"Did you hear?" says the woman.

"What about?" replies the man.

"the legend of King Arthur, and the sword Excalibur,"

"what are you talking about?"

"isn't it obvious? Excalibur has shown itself. Which means Arthur himself might be back; we don't know who it is."

"where is it?"

"somewhere deep in the woods. Only Arthur will be able to find it."

"I cleared my throat to get the couple's attention. Looking over both were looking at me, seemingly annoyed that I had interrupted the conversation."

"Sorry to interrupt but can you tell me a little bit more about this sword?" I answer.

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