Chapter XII

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Sam's POV

We got back to the Trap house safely, after parking our cars in the driveway, I knew that we wouldn't have time to fool around. I had to tell them everything from start to finish. All of us entered our house and I quickly asked them to sit down in the living room. Once everyone was inside, I made sure to lock the doors so that no one can break in. I looked around the room they all had been through a lot. This government needs to stop what they're doing. Colby and Kat were standing on either side of me, Kat on the right and Colby on the left. On the couch was Devyn and Corey who were holding hands and sitting close together, Elton was sitting next to Devyn, and finally Aaron and Jake were sitting next to each other.

"Okay guys, listen up!" I announced getting their attention. "There's something that you need to know,"

"How about we start by trying to figure out how the heck did you learn how to fight, all we did was toss stuff at the agents," says Corey.

"If you'll just allow me..." I said as I got interrupted by Elton speaking.

"Where did you get that sword?" I sighed in annoyance and looked at Colby.

"Hey! Everyone shut up and let Sam talk!" everyone got silent. Thank god Colby helped.

"Alright, so first of all," I said as I pulled out the sword from the scabbard. "This is Excalibur,"

"The sword of King Arthur? Are you saying that the legend? It's real?" asks Aaron.

"Yes, I had escaped to England to get away from this country. While in England I learned about the legend and then found out that I'm not the only reincarnation,"

"Who else is?"

"All of us are reincarnations of King Arthur's legend," I replied waiting for their reactions. I didn't get a single bad reaction just a lot of shocked faces. I sighed and started with Colby and Kat.

"Colby is the reincarnation of Lancelot, one of the knights back in King Arthur's time, and Kat is the reincarnation of Guinevere," I went down the line starting with Corey.

"Corey, you're the reincarnation of Gawain he was a knight of Camelot, Elton, I hate to say this but you're the reincarnation of Merlin, Jake your Percival a knight of Camelot, Aaron reincarnation of Lamerok also a knight of Camelot, and Devyn, you're the reincarnation of the Lady of the lake," I reply. "Now that we got that out of our way, I need everyone to go to their rooms and pack only the most essential things that you need, and leave your phones, I know for certain that the agents will try to use that to track us down, now get to it!"

With, everyone got off the chairs and ran upstairs except for Elton who had to go into the garage and pack his essentials. Colby and I went upstairs I had brought Kat up with me she helped me pack and after we had finished packing I through the bookbag over my shoulder and made my way downstairs with everyone.

"Okay, we left our phones but now what do we do?" asks Jake.

"Brace yourselves, Arthur said that I can take you back to Camelot and train you there. We'll need all the training we can get in order to defeat the government, everyone ready?"

"Yeah," they all said in unison. I stepped in the center and asked everyone to create a circle around me. This way I would be able to teleport everyone including me to Camelot. Unsheathing Excalibur, I raised the sword above my head and closed my eyes. I started feeling a tingle spread throughout my body and the next thing I knew there was a bright light and all of us were teleported back to Camelot. Opening my eyes carefully I looked around, we were in the court yard of a castle there were houses made from stone I knew then where we were. We were back in Camelot before cars and electronics were invented.

"Whoa! Where are we?!" says Jake as he looked around. I saw Colby looking at everyone's outfits even mine. He had snickered briefly, and I looked over at the girls Kat and Devyn were wearing dresses. Kat's dress was blue and black and by her side hung a bag. Devyn was wearing the same dress only hears was purple and black. I smiled at everyone as the teleportation had worked. Elton looked the funniest, he was wearing what looked like a servant's outfit. Which kind of made sense as Merlin was a warlock who worked as Arthur's servant, did that mean that Elton was mine? I shook my head the rest of us including me were wearing chainmail which was part of a knight's wardrobe. Hanging by their sides were swords.

"We're in Camelot," I announced "And this is where I'm going to train you so you can learn how to fight well."

"Well while you guys are wearing whatever armor that is can, we just talk about why I'm in a servant's outfit?"

"Oh yeah, Merlin during Arthur's time was a servant as well as a warlock, you'll be learning magic,"

"Oh gee, thanks for that Sam," he said.

"Well? What are we waiting for? Let's start training,"

"What about us?" asks Kat, I looked over at them and smiled.

"Don't worry, I haven't forgotten about the two of you," I said handing them both a sword. "You're wearing dresses that can be worn in a fight, Now let's get on that field." with I began training everyone.

No one's POV

Eve was annoyed that the agents had failed to take the gang and was currently on her way to Elliot's office. She had arrived there and leaned forward on Elliot's desk, her face red in anger.

"What happened to them?" she said through gritted teeth.

"They escaped Eve, we tried to stop them but somehow they knocked out our agents. Especially Sam Golbach, he has been the main one to knock out all our agents,"

"So, Sam is the biggest threat, Well I demand that you track them!"

"Alright fine, chill, I just did it when they left, they went back to their house," says Elliot showing Eve all the points on his small tablet.

"Then what are you waiting for? Send agents over there now!"

Elliot quickly nodded his head and called in agents to go after the trap house. The agents responded and went to the trap house but as soon as they broke in, they couldn't find anyone. The agents had also seen their cellphones laying everywhere. One of the agents turned on their wrist watch and called it in.

"Eve, we've got a problem, we've arrived at the trap house, but no one is here, they've duped us!" after Eve hears this, she gets angry.

"Well stop standing there like an idiot and find them they couldn't have gone far!"

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