Chapter X

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Sam's perspective

I was face to face with Morgana, my "half-sister" she is the reincarnation of the first King Arthur. She looked at me with determination an evil glint shining in her eyes. Morgana had brown hair and green eyes; she wore a purple dress and black boots. I had to fight her to get to that Fomorroh that she was standing in front. I started swinging the sword toward Morgana who moved out of the way and with a flick of her wrist, I suddenly felt myself flying against the wall. I groaned in pain as I collapsed but stood up. I ran at Morgana and shoved her aside, causing her to fall onto the floor. Sheathing my sword, I grabbed the Fomorroh and made a beeline for the door.

"NO!" I heard her cry from behind me as she tried to stop me. I grabbed the doorknob and escaped into the hallway. I ran down the stairs and stopped at the small door, opening it, I saw Kat hiding in it. Grabbing her hand and carrying the Fomorroh in my other hand, Kat and I ran into the living room. Letting go of Kat's side, I turned on the fireplace, and as I was about to throw the Fomorroh in the fire, I heard Kat scream. Whipping around I saw Colby had gotten free from his bounds and was holding a sword to Kat's neck. Next to Colby Morgana appeared.

"Bravo Sam, or should I say dear brother.

"Sam.." cried Kat, "Help!" I looked between Kat, Colby, and Morgana scowling at her.

"Release Kat and Colby, Morgana."

"You know I cannot release Colby Samuel, but I can help Kat.

"Release Kat, and I will give you the Fomorroh,"

"Sam! No!" says Kat as Colby tightened his grip on her.

Morgana looked at me with hesitation, wondering if I was serious or I was bluffing. I gave her a stern look. I wanted to make sure that she knew I was pressing so that she could release Kat. Then once Kat was by my side, I'd toss the serpent into the fire.

"Colby, let Kat go," she said, Colby let Kat go, and I grabbed Kat's arm and pulled her behind me, making sure I was shielding her in case Morgana tried anything.

"Thank you,"

"Now give me that Fomorroh!"

"Sure, I can give it to you," I said as I started to hand the serpent over, once Morgana reached to grab it, I turned and tossed the snake into the fire making Morgana cry out in anger.

Colby, on the other hand, cried out in pain and held the back of his neck as he bent down. The Fomorroh in Colby's neck had died and disappeared from him. Morgana, angry, teleported leaving Kat, Colby and I in the living room the sound of fire crackling as the serpent died. I walked over to Colby and helped him up. He was confused and disoriented than when he saw me, a sigh in relief.

"Sam? What happened?" he asked.

"Colby! Thank god you're okay, there was this serpent called a Fomorroh inside of your neck,"

"I do remember seeing a woman in this living room, and the agents were in here," says Colby as he looked over in the sheath, he saw the sword Excalibur. "Sam? What is that?" I looked down at the sword and pulled it out.

"It's Excalibur, you know from the King Arthur legends?"

"Wait, you mean, you pulled it out of a rock? Does that mean that your...."?

"The reincarnation of King Arthur? Yes, yes, it does."

"Really? What does that make Kat and me?"

"Colby, you are the reincarnation of Lancelot, and Kat is the reincarnation of Guinevere,"

A/N: sorry you all for such a short chapter, hope you guys enjoy the story though! I'll try to update as much as possible this summer. 

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